Sales representative: What he does and how much he earns.

A commercial agent is a trader who is directly involved in the sale of a company's products or services. They can be employees or self-employed. If hired as an employee of the organization, they are entitled to the benefits guaranteed by the Consolidation of Labor Laws (CLT).

If self-employed, the sales agent must be registered with the National Social Security Institute (INSS) and can offer his or her services to various companies. The job has good employment prospects. These are usually professionals who work as contractors and receive a combination of salary and commission for sales. This can guarantee high salaries for those who do their job well.

What does a sales representative do?

In addition to maintaining a good relationship with customers, the professional is also responsible for maintaining the company's good image, that is, their duties may include, for example, updating records, analyzing customer credit and preparing statements issued by the company. Carrying out reports requested by the organization and dispatching orders.

In some cases, the sales representative is also more or less involved in the shipping and delivery process. He or she also has the task of finding new customers, handling complaints, and even returning and exchanging products.

Some characteristics of a good sales representative

  • 1- Good Communication
  • 2- Sensitivity and Listening Skills
  • 3- Instill Security and Confidence
  • 4-Have Patience and Perseverance
  • 5- Seller Responsibilities
  • 6- Goal Setting

How much does a sales representative earn?

In the sales representative position, the salary is quite attractive. You start with a salary of R$2,065.00 and can earn up to R$5,424.00. In other words, the average salary of a Sales Representative in Brazil is R$3,477.00. The most common degree is a bachelor's degree in business administration.

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Pedro Henrique

Website writer, trained in advertising, always bringing the best news, tips, applications and finance to the reader. I believe that education and information move the world.