Fuel: See effective tips to save

Firstly, any savings are welcome. Check out this article for specific and valuable tips on how to save fuel.

Avoid accelerating and braking sharply while driving to save fuel

This tip may seem a little obvious, but you don't know how much you can waste by driving aggressively. In addition to being a dangerous behavior, therefore, to prevent engine wear, it is very important to change gears calmly and smoothly, and of course, measure the force of your foot on the car's accelerator.

Leave the car in neutral
This is a myth that many people commit and still think they are saving, but in reality they are consuming. Don't do this for safety reasons. If the car is disengaged and without assistance from the engine brake, the vehicle's braking system will be more demanding and may fail, which is dangerous. Therefore, in this case, the tip is to leave the car in the highest gear, even without accelerating.

Checking tire pressure also saves fuel

This is a practice that you should check at least once every fifteen days, as driving with tires that are below the limit, or underinflated, influence performance, as the engine needs more force to generate friction on the road.

Keep your vehicle maintenance up to date to save fuel

Maintaining the vehicle up to date prevents, in a way, the engine from consuming more fuel, that is, than necessary, in addition to being able to increase the useful life of the component. It is important to regularly check and, if necessary, change the air, oil and fuel filters and replace spark plugs.

Therefore, pay attention to these tips, together with all the others you will certainly avoid unnecessary fuel consumption.

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Pedro Henrique

Website writer, trained in advertising, always bringing the best news, tips, applications and finance to the reader. I believe that education and information move the world.