See: 5 cards that do not consult the SPC/Serasa

The tools are completely unbureaucratic and guarantee immediate hiring even for people with a dirty name. See 5 cards that are good and that do not consult the protective bodies of…

Those with SPC or Serasa restrictions are restricted from credit card approval. This is due to the limitations associated with the name that prevent access to a financial life and broader opportunities. But did you know that there are credit cards for negative people? Discover some below.

What are these 5 cards?

Below is a list of tools that are easier to approve, even for negative people. The cards work in prepaid and postal modes and are intended for public servants, INSS policyholders and CLT workers. Money:

1.BMG Consigned Card

The option is great for those who want a credit card but have a dirty name. The service is offered on payroll, where part of the invoice value is deducted from the beneficiary's benefit or salary. Additionally, the user can withdraw up to 70% of the available money limit. Interest rates are also low, at around 3.06%.

2.Super Digital Card

The service is offered as a prepaid card that requires a balance to be used. With it, the user can make purchases without physical cash in thousands of establishments that use the Mastercard brand. The card allows cash withdrawals on the Cirrus and Banco24Horas networks.

3.Inter Consignado Card

The card works on a payroll basis, where the minimum invoice payment is deducted directly from the cardholder. Your request is exempt from consultation with the SPC and Serasa. Among the advantages we can mention the exemption from the annual fee, the deduction of up to 90% from the limit and the international flag for purchases abroad.

4. Caixa Simples Card

The service is aimed at INSS pensioners or pensioners under 75 years of age. With no annual fee, the service is accepted in several stores in Brazil and abroad. The invoice amount will be deducted from the paycheck upon delivery. In addition to using the credit version, the holder can also withdraw part of the cash limit (with interest) from the account.

5. PagSeguro Card

Finally, the PagSeguro card works in prepaid mode. Just open an account on the app and request the tool in a hassle-free way. To use it, you must deposit an amount of money as credit. It has the Mastercard brand and an application that allows you to monitor expenses.

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Pedro Henrique

Website writer, trained in advertising, always bringing the best news, tips, applications and finance to the reader. I believe that education and information move the world.