See: Delivery of the aid card will be this month.

Aid card: According to a columnist, the federal government went on strike and decided to send new Auxílio Brasil cards in June.

The soap opera, which deals with the production of new Auxílio Brasil cards, opened a new chapter at the beginning of this week. According to information from columnist Lauro Jardim from the newspaper O Globo, the federal government wants to deliver the devices at the end of June this month. The final design of the objects would already be decided.

Read too: See how to earn extra income repairing cell phones.

According to the columnist, not all Auxílio Brasil users will receive the new maps. The government plans to allow the production of just over 7.1 million devices. The Ministry of Citizenship highlights that the current program covers more than 18 million people, which means that the majority will not receive the cards.

Therefore, the focus of production of new devices will only be on new users. According to the Ministry of Citizenship, just over 5 million Brazilians joined the Auxílio Brasil payroll in 2022. These are citizens who have not yet received an official card from the federal government.

Other users who will not receive any device can continue using the old Bolsa Família card. The federal government has already stated that the old version has no expiration date and will continue to work in the same way. Thus, any citizen who is on the Auxílio Brasil payroll can continue using the old movement method.

Spending is causing controversy

It is worth remembering that the possible cost of producing Auxílio Brasil cards has already generated controversy among parliamentarians in the National Congress. A group of deputies and senators filed a lawsuit against the production at the Federal Audit Court (TCU).

These are two different requirements, but they both ask for basically the same thing. The documents state that the TCU must prevent the production of new maps and states that there is no need to spend public money on the act.

Information from columnist Lauro Jardim indicates that the federal government itself is about to spend more than R$ 130 million on the production of new devices, considering that they are working with the possibility of supplying more than 7 million devices.

Aid card will be available this month

It is worth remembering that the absence of the Auxílio Brasil card, or even the old Bolsa Família card, does not constitute an obstacle to the use of money from the social program. There are several other ways to rearrange the value of the benefit.

According to the federal government itself, any citizen can use the money through the Caixa Tem app. There you can pay bills by bank slip, make bank transfers and even make purchases with an EC card.

Read too: See how to earn extra income repairing cell phones.

Pedro Henrique

Website writer, trained in advertising, always bringing the best news, tips, applications and finance to the reader. I believe that education and information move the world.