See how to accumulate points to get a discount on IPVA 2023

To participate, citizens only need to register in the program and always indicate their CPF on the invoice with each purchase.

Anyone who pays IPVA every year can get a good discount through the Sua Nota Tem Valor program. With this, it is possible to accumulate points and receive a discount of up to 5% when paying IPVA 2023.

To take advantage of this, the citizen simply needs to be registered in the program and always inform the CPF on the invoice when purchasing a product. Purchases above R$ 50 entitle you to one point. From then on, as soon as you reach the minimum score, you will be entitled to a discount on the IPVA, which varies according to the value of the vehicle according to the Fipe table.

There are 5 value bands in total, the first being for vehicles worth up to R$ 15,000. In this case, to access the 5% discount, the participant must accumulate at least 217 points per year, counting between December 1, 2021 and November 30, 2022.

The Sua Nota Tem Valor program was created by the Government of Ceará, with the aim of raising awareness among citizens about the importance of requesting accounts and encouraging popular participation in the control and use of public resources. Another issue that the measure seeks to resolve is tax evasion, which makes competition between institutions unfair.

Checking accumulated points

According to the program manager, Jonilma Maia, experienced citizens can check the number of points earned so far in the Sua Nota Tem Valor program application. Then, simply access the Score IPVA tab to check the accumulated total. See the following table:

The IPVA deduction is made automatically without any action on the participant.
Just request the CPF on the invoice. The system updates the data and displays the discount percentage. If you haven't yet participated in Sua Nota Tem Valor, just download the app and accumulate points. You help a non-profit organization, receive a discount on IPVA 2023 and are also the next to win monthly cash prizes. The discount does not prevent participation in the draws, explains Jonilma.

According to the system, the participant can accumulate up to 100 points per month, which corresponds to R$ 5,000 in tax documents.

Pedro Henrique

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