See if you will be entitled to receive R$1200 from Brazilian aid

During an event, Jair Bolsonaro gave a speech and also confirmed the increase in Auxílio Brasil from R$ 400 to R$ 600. Find out more.

Last Tuesday (28), the president, Jair Bolsonaro, participated in an apartment handover ceremony in Maceió (AL). During the event he spoke and confirmed the increase in Brazil Aid from R$ 400 to R$ 600. Furthermore, there are some cases where some Brazilians receive R$ 1,200 per month. See below for details.

On the way, Bolsonaro said: And today the Chamber and the Senate are discussing a proposed amendment to the Constitution (PEC) that will increase Brazil Aid from R$ 400 to R$ 600. I make the other clear. Action will be taken.

He further explained that the benefit extends to women, who are entitled to two installments of the benefit. Additionally, Auxílio Brasil women earn R$ 1,200 per month under certain conditions. In other words, it is a government that gives special attention to the most humble during the difficult period that not only Brazil, but the entire world is going through, he added.

Furthermore, the head of the Executive also thanked parliament and said that he worked hard with the future of Brazil. Despite this, there is still no forecast that Auxílio Brasil could rise to R$ 600 at the July rate.

Finally, the first estimate is that this July the National Congress will work to approve the proposal that increases Brazil Aid. Therefore, the government expects to pay this increase in August.

See too: Find out how to earn extra income in dollars by answering surveys.

Pedro Henrique

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