See: Applications open for internship at PRF, grant of R$1,125.69

PRF has 4 paid internship vacancies. Candidates must attend different courses from the 4th period onwards. Registration by email.

The Federal Highway Police (PRF) announced paid internships. The salary of those selected is R$ 1,125.69, in addition to the transport voucher. The possibilities are in the cities of Porto Velho and Ji-Paraná in Rondônia. Check who can sign up.

In addition to the paid internship, those selected will also receive a transport voucher worth R$ 10 per working day. Get to know the routine and day-to-day life of PRFs.

How will the internship at PRF work?

There are four stages in total. You must attend higher education in Rondônia. Registration for the selection process is now possible. The internship is 30 hours per week and the contract can be maintained for up to two years. To participate, interested parties must send personal data to the email address: [email protected].

Candidates are also contacted via email. Therefore, candidates must go through the subsequent stages of the selection process.

Vacancies start immediately. Therefore, interested parties must be available to start the paid internship at the PRF.

There are three vacancies for Porto Velho. The first is for those studying Law or Business Administration. In addition to the official writing manual and ABNT standards, prerequisites also include basic knowledge of information technology or operating systems. Those interested must study from the 6th period onwards.

Another vacancy is for those studying administrative, accounting and production or logistics engineering. Interested parties should send an email to [email protected]. They must be at least in the 4th period.

Third place in Porto Velho is for Civil Engineering students. The prerequisites are knowledge of the spreadsheet program and software for preparing technical drawings. And it must be from the 6th hour onwards. The email for registration is [email protected].

The opportunity in Ji-Paraná is for university students studying business administration. In addition to initiative, organization and good communication, requirements include participation in at least the 4th class. The email must be sent to [email protected].

Read too: See how to earn extra income repairing cell phones.

Pedro Henrique

Website writer, trained in advertising, always bringing the best news, tips, applications and finance to the reader. I believe that education and information move the world.