See the difference between Gold, Platinum and Black cards, check out the benefits

The Gold version is the basic card and most used by people, while the Platinum and Black types offer a wider range of services, require greater income and require a…

What is the difference between Gold, Platinum and Black cards? ? Each of them is aimed at different consumer and client profiles, offering a smaller or greater number of advantages, in addition to advantages that vary according to the card issuer's brand and also according to the bank.

1. Gold type cards

The target audience is people with an income of around R$ 2,000. Gold cards allow international purchases and may or may not charge the customer an annual fee. If this fee is charged, it should be around R$ 300 per year. The most common advantages offered are:

  • Withdraw at any time both in Brazil and in other countries
  • Satisfactory credit limit for the customer
  • Loan option
  • Return of money deposited in the account, like many digital banks
  • Many do not charge fees for withdrawals and transfers
  • Option to generate invoice for deposits and payments
  • Some may offer vehicle insurance
  • Expense management via app
  • Some offer insurance coverage Price

2. Platinum Card

The Platinum modality is aimed at those with a minimum income, generally between R$ 5,000 and R$ 6,000. In most cases, the average annual fee is R$ 450 (paid per year, not per month). Platinum focuses on the type of people who travel the most, so its benefits revolve around travel demands or needs that may arise during the journey. The most common benefits are:

  • Concierge service (professional to help with important information and also help with calling a taxi, making hotel and restaurant reservations, finding good places to shop, recommending tourist attractions, etc.)*100003 * Travel advice
  • Travel health insurance
  • car insurance
  • Price protection insurance (refund of value difference)
  • Purchase Protection Insurance
  • Actions on purchases in partner stores, etc.

3. Black Card

Also known as Infinite, the Black Card already requires a proven minimum income that is much higher than the Gold and Platinum versions. The user must have a monthly income of R$ 15,000. The annual fee for the card reaches R$ 1,200, which means that the Black Card is aimed at people with high purchasing power. In most cases that appear, the bank will send an invitation offering this type of black card to the customer. Check out some of the benefits offered below:

  • Concierge Service
  • Airport Lounge
  • Cabin Upgrades
  • 24 Hour Expert Service
  • Purchase Protection
  • Price Protection*100008 *Total points
  • Special services in hotels and resorts;
  • Boingo Wi-Fi (mobile internet access)
  • car insurance
  • Emergency medical insurance
  • Schengen Charter (details about the services and requirements of the medical assistance provided). by card when traveling)

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Pedro Henrique

Website writer, trained in advertising, always bringing the best news, tips, applications and finance to the reader. I believe that education and information move the world.