See: This group may be entitled to exemption from electricity bills

Exemption from electricity bills may seem like a myth, but it is a reality, especially for people in more complex and needy situations. Understand more

It's not news to anyone that in our country there are always people in vulnerable situations. And it's also not news that this whole situation only got worse with the pandemic. The government tries to take care of these people and families. Whenever possible, programs are created to help them.

Everyone noticed the multiple increases in electricity bills. It's definitely something that plagues workers and leaves those with very little money desperate to survive. Therefore, the government has invested in measures that can help some citizens to lead a dignified life.

In any case, many people have doubts about whether or not they can receive these benefits. Furthermore, what should they do to achieve this? Well, the first step is to register with CadÚnico (Cadastro Único).

All services are always requested and approved via CadÚnico. Therefore, if you need help, you must register first.

To register, you can pre-register both on the CadÚnico app and on the government website. but after that you need to go to a Single Registry Service Center with the necessary documents, but not just with the registered person! Those for the whole family are also necessary.

One of the most interesting benefits for those in a precarious situation is the Social Electricity Tariff (TSEE), created to allow people to pay less for electricity.

In this case, the rebate is credited to the account immediately, so that the population does not receive the money directly from the state for payment. The benefit in question takes the form of a discount on the electricity bill.

To obtain it, you must also be registered with CadÚnico. This benefit also applies to families with members who receive the Continuous Payment Benefit (BPC).

The social electricity tariff currently benefits around 23 million Brazilians, in addition to discounts on energy bills, which can reach up to 100 % achievable. With full discounts, this means the energy bill goes to zero, so the family doesn't have to worry about these costs.

Who is entitled to receive the discount?

If you're not sure how the discount works and want to know how much discount you can get, read below who can get the price and discount amounts.

For a person to be eligible for the social electricity tariff discount, they must meet some of the following requirements:

  • Registered with CadÚnico who have a monthly family income of up to half the minimum wage per person;
  • People with any type of disability and elderly people over 65 years of age, but who must receive the INSS Continuous Payment Benefit (BPC);
  • People with a monthly family income of up to three minimum wages. In this situation, the benefit only applies if there is a person with a disability in the family who must also prove that they are dependent on treatments that only require electrical devices.

Pedro Henrique

Website writer, trained in advertising, always bringing the best news, tips, applications and finance to the reader. I believe that education and information move the world.