Social Tariff: Find out more about the energy discount benefit

Who is entitled to reductions in the Social Electricity Tariff? Some Brazilian families can obtain up to 65% discount on their electricity bill through the Social Electricity Tariff. Find out more details in our article if you are eligible.

Firstly, low-income families can obtain discounts on their electricity bills through the Social Electricity Tariff program. This is a government benefit that reduces fees by up to 65%. Today, more than 23.7 million Brazilians are enrolled in the program, according to the Ministry of Citizenship.

The organization itself is responsible for registering vulnerable families that meet the requirements. Therefore, the discount percentage depends on the energy consumption of the property. According to the rules, the lower the expenses, the greater the benefit received.

Social Tariff Requirements

Registration for the program will be made on the same day by the Ministry of Citizenship based on information from CadÚnico. The prerequisite is, therefore, that the family is soon registered in the state database. Once the family is selected, the MC notifies the energy distributors.

  • Monthly income of up to half the minimum wage per person (R$ 606);
  • Total monthly income of up to three minimum wages (R$3,636).
  • It is important to keep your data up to date.

In addition to these families, it is also worth highlighting that those families who:

  • They have at least one BPC beneficiary member; or
  • Have a member who is a person with a disability (PwD) or legal illness.

Discount percentage

The Social Tariff has two discount criteria, check below, firstly, the general public criterion.

  • 65% for consumption up to 30 kWh per month;
  • 40% for consumption between 31 and 100 kWh per month;
  • 10% for Consumption between 101 and 220 kWh per month.

Indigenous and quilombola families:

  • 100% for consumption up to 50 kWh per month;
  • 40% for Consumption between 51 and 100 kWh per month;
  • 10% for consumption between 101 and 220 kWh per month.

See too:

Pedro Henrique

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