Social Tariff: Government released 100% discount, check it out

The social tariff has arrived, since 2021, Brazilian citizens have suffered a lot with increasingly higher electricity bills. The country went through several crises, including the water crisis, which left the electricity bill in the Type 2 red flag for several months.

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However, anyone who is low-income can try to be included in the federal government's social electricity tariff program. This allows citizens with consumption of up to 30 kWh per month to receive a discount of up to 65% on their bill. There are cases where the discount reaches 100%.

Social fare discount

The social electricity tariff currently covers millions of Brazilian families. Discounts vary depending on monthly usage. Look:

  • Up to 30 kWh/month: discount of 65%;
  • From 31 kWh/month to 100 kWh/month: discount of 40%;
  • From 101 kWh/month to 220 kWh/month: 10% discount;* 100003* Quilombolas consuming up to 50 kWh/month: 100% discount;
  • From 221 kWh/month: no discount.

Who can get this social tariff discount?

  • Be disabled and benefit from the BPC (Continuous Payment Benefit); or
  • From 65 years old;
  • Have a family registered with CadÚnico (Single Registry of Social Programs of the Federal Government);
  • A monthly family income per person equal to or less than half the minimum wage (R $ 606); or
  • Have a gross monthly income of up to three minimum wages (R$ 3,363), have a family member with a serious illness or disability that requires the constant use of electronic devices for treatment.

Electricity flags in these cases

The flags are activated on electricity bills according to the context in which the country or region is located, in addition to, of course, consumption by citizens.

See below how the additional charge on the electricity bill works for each type of brand:

  • Green flag (current): Applied under favorable energy conditions, without surcharge;
  • Yellow: Applied in less favorable energy production conditions, increase of R$ 1,874 per 100 kWh consumed;
  • Red: When the connection of thermoelectric plants is established, that is, more expensive conditions for energy production, a fixed increase of R$ 3,971 and another of R$ 9,492 for every 100 kWh consumed;
  • Lack of water: the most expensive in the system, observed in extreme conditions increase of R $ 14, 20 per 100 kWh consumed.

Pedro Henrique

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