Read more about the article Vaga Auxiliar Produção – Injetora
Pavel Job Vacancies - Open Scenario

Production Assistant Vacancy – Injection Molding

Production Assistant Vacancy - Injection Molding Machine - Provide support in supplying the production line. Production assistance in the operation of blow molding machines in the manufacture of plastic parts, making adjustments and changing molds and comparing the final quality of the products according to standards. Work on the production line with assembly and separation of parts, packaging and support for machine operation. Operation of semi-automatic injection molding machines.

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Read more about the article Vaga Auxiliar Produção – S/EXPERIÊNCIA
Pavel Job Vacancies - Open Scenario

Production Assistant Vacancy – NO EXPERIENCE

Vaga Auxiliar Produção - S/EXPERIÊNCIA - Atividades: produção de produtos, manutenção e operação de máquinas, distribuição e abastecimento de materiais. Também é responsável pela organização e limpeza das máquinas e do ambiente de trabalho, controle de entrada e saída de materiais, registro de produtos e controle de qualidade.

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Read more about the article Vaga Auxiliar Serviços Gerais – RJ
Pavel Job Vacancies - Open Scenario

General Services Assistant Vacancy – RJ

General Services Assistant Vacancy - RJ - Perform conservation and cleaning tasks in club areas, such as: patio, changing rooms, parking lots, restaurants, lounges, barbecue areas, etc., sweeping, washing areas, applying waxes, waxing floors and others cleaning products. Fill the paper towel, toilet paper and soap dispensers in the bathrooms, changing rooms, barbecue areas and sauna, as well as replacing the gallons of water in the drinking fountains in the administration sectors. Perform other related and related tasks.

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