Read more about the article Vaga Supervisor Logística – RJ
Pavel Job Vacancies - Open Scenario

Logistics Supervisor Vacancy – RJ

Logistics Supervisor Vacancy - RJ - Daily control and monitoring of deliveries of linen to customers according to schedule; Support for internal and external logistics service; Control and monitoring of claims; Internal and external supply control; Systematically evaluate route efficiency; Management of Logistics Indicators (Loading Rate, Overtime, OTD, KM/L) Systematically analyze fuel consumption; Ensure vehicle release checklist. Be the interface between logistics and production; Manage logistics costs.

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Read more about the article Vaga Assistente Contábil – RJ
Pavel Job Vacancies - Open Scenario

Accounting Assistant Vacancy – RJ

Accounting Assistant Vacancy - RJ - Document screening, Typing of accounting documents, Bank reconciliation, Deliver DCTF every month, Account for the calculation of IRPJ and CSLL every quarter and deliver to the tax sector. Prepare balance sheet, Analyze and review when necessary the organization of accounting documents after finalizing the company's process to send to the client Communication with customers, Invoice checking, Instruct and teach assistants.

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