Read more about the article Vaga Assistente Fiscal – RJ
Pavel Job Vacancies - Open Scenario

Tax Assistant Vacancy – RJ

Tax Assistant Vacancy - RJ - Calculation of taxes (ICMS, ICMSA ST, DIFAL, Withheld Taxes, PIS/COFINS, IRPJ, CSLL, Simples Nacional), Preparation of tax obligations, such as SPED Fiscal, Sped Contributions, DCTF, GIA, DESTDA , SPED ECF, SPED ECD, REINF, DEFIS, DECLAN, SEMESTERLY DUB. Calculation of ISS in several Municipalities; Submission of Declaration corresponding to ISS; Issuance of Certificate and resolution of any type of requirement; Experience with Actual, Presumed (Differential) and Simple National Profit; Audit support; - Doc delivery.

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Read more about the article Vaga Assistente Fiscal – RJ
Pavel Job Vacancies - Open Scenario

Tax Assistant Vacancy – RJ

Tax Assistant Vacancy - RJ - Responsible for billing Issuance of Electronic Invoice and Nota Carioca Knowledge of Incidental and Withheld Taxes, Nature of Operation (CFOP) parameterization: NCM/CST/Operations=Sale/Shipping/Triangular/Tax Replacement) Financial transactions Flow cash flow Issuance of bills Contact with banks Document archiving Administrative-financial tasks in general.

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