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Pavel Job Vacancies - Open Scenario

Support Technician Vacancy – RJ

Support Technician Vacancy - RJ - Provide face-to-face support to IT users, based on requests received via Remote Service or directly by the Contract Manager, respecting the agreed Service Levels. Contact, if necessary, other teams or service providers that may be related to the incident, or may assist in diagnosing and resolving the problem or request to be handled. Carry out technical assessments on problems with IT equipment and supplies, containing all clarifications requested by the CONTRACTOR. Monitor technicians from technical assistance or IT equipment warranty suppliers, during any maintenance on the equipment. If necessary, contact the requesting user to schedule the best day and time for the visit. Register, diagnose and solve problems in the scope of hardware, operating system and related areas, including carrying out any corrective maintenance on IT equipment, with parts provided by the CONTRACTOR, if necessary. Always identify, at the time of service, problems related to the characteristics of supplies and equipment used by customers (incompatible, damaged cartridges, with manufacturing defects or expired, unsuitable paper for the type of printer, equipment unsuitable for the service or used improperly by customers, etc.), forwarding your observations to your superior, who must inform the CONTRACTOR's inspector.

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Read more about the article Vaga Analista Fiscal – RJ
Pavel Job Vacancies - Open Scenario

Tax Analyst Vacancy – RJ

Tax Analyst Vacancy - RJ - Post invoices in the management integration system, as well as provide support to different areas, branches and customers. · Calculate direct taxes ICMS, ICMS-ST, PIS and COFINS, including assembling and organizing daily movements of incoming invoices and outgoing invoices (invoicing) and reconciling movements. · Deliver the appropriate municipal ancillary obligations, issuing ISS reports, posting service notes and generating guides. · Deliver all obligations, GIA ICMS Information Guide - São Paulo, DCTF Declare Federal Tax Debts and Credits. · Deliver the appropriate state ancillary obligations. · Deliver the appropriate federal obligations, generating the Darfs, DCTF, DIRF.

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Read more about the article Vaga Pintor – Zona Leste
Pavel Job Vacancies - Open Scenario

Painter Vacancy – East Zone

Painter Vacancy - East Zone - Multinational hires to work in one of its Hospitals, located in the East Zone region. The professional will perform painting services on buildings, equipment and production lines using brushes, brushes and rollers; Prepare the surface to receive painting using sandpaper, steel brushes and solvents, applying putties to level the surface when necessary. Prepare the paints to be used by applying solvents, pigments, among others. Provide support in the execution of maintenance and masonry construction services, when necessary.

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