Read more about the article Assaí Atacadista: Gerente de Loja, Gerente de Produtos, Gerente de Marketing, Analista de Recursos Humanos, Analista de Logística, Assistente de Loja, Técnico de Manutenção, Estoquista, Operador de Caixa e Auxiliar de Loja.
Assaí Atacadista - Open Scenario

Assaí Atacadista: Store Manager, Product Manager, Marketing Manager, Human Resources Analyst, Logistics Analyst, Store Assistant, Maintenance Technician, Stocker, Cashier and Store Assistant.

Assaí wholesaler hiring 150 vacancies immediately is a reality. Assaí Atacadista is open to new employees! The company has just announced the opening of 150 job vacancies…

Continue ReadingAssaí Atacadista: Store Manager, Product Manager, Marketing Manager, Human Resources Analyst, Logistics Analyst, Store Assistant, Maintenance Technician, Stocker, Cashier and Store Assistant.
Read more about the article iEL: Administração, Relações Públicas, Ciências Contábeis, Direito, Economia, Engenharia, Jornalismo, Marketing, Comunicação Social, Processos Gerenciais, Psicologia, Publicidade e Propaganda.
iEL - Open Scenario

iEL: Administration, Public Relations, Accounting, Law, Economics, Engineering, Journalism, Marketing, Social Communication, Management Processes, Psychology, Advertising.

iEL internship vacancies is a non-profit entity that has been working for over 60 years for the economic and social development of Brazil. IEL is responsible for…

Continue ReadingiEL: Administration, Public Relations, Accounting, Law, Economics, Engineering, Journalism, Marketing, Social Communication, Management Processes, Psychology, Advertising.
Read more about the article Manserv: Auxiliar de Armazém, Soldador, Eletricista, Auxiliar Almoxarifado, Líder Manutenção, Ajudante Geral, Auxiliar Mecânico, entre outros.
Manserv - Open Scenario

Manserv: Warehouse Assistant, Welder, Electrician, Warehouse Assistant, Maintenance Leader, General Assistant, Mechanical Assistant, among others.

Manserv Vacancies are highly sought after. The growing demand for qualified professionals and the large availability of vacancies in the job market has been a recurring theme in recent years. One…

Continue ReadingManserv: Warehouse Assistant, Welder, Electrician, Warehouse Assistant, Maintenance Leader, General Assistant, Mechanical Assistant, among others.
Read more about the article Unimed: Enfermeiros, Administradores, Técnicos de Enfermagem, Almoxarifado, Limpeza, Farmacêutico, Recepcionistas, Assistente Administrativos.
Unimed - Open Scenario

Unimed: Nurses, Administrators, Nursing Technicians, Warehouse, Cleaning, Pharmacist, Receptionists, Administrative Assistant.

Unimed vacancies are widely sought after by those who want to work in the healthcare sector, in one of the largest companies in the sector throughout Brazil. As mentioned above, Unimed is…

Continue ReadingUnimed: Nurses, Administrators, Nursing Technicians, Warehouse, Cleaning, Pharmacist, Receptionists, Administrative Assistant.
Read more about the article DMA Distribuidora: Atendente, Motorista, Operador de Caixa, Vendedor, Estagiário de Logística, Estagiário de Atendimento ao Cliente, Estagiário de Marketing Digital, Estagiário de Desenvolvimento Web, Estagiário de Controle de Estoque e Estagiário de Faturamento.
DMA Distribuidora - Open Scenario

DMA Distributor: Attendant, Driver, Cashier, Salesperson, Logistics Intern, Customer Service Intern, Digital Marketing Intern, Web Development Intern, Inventory Control Intern and Billing Intern.

DMA distributor job vacancies is one of the main product distribution companies in Brazil. In addition to offering the best products and services to its customers, DMA also…

Continue ReadingDMA Distributor: Attendant, Driver, Cashier, Salesperson, Logistics Intern, Customer Service Intern, Digital Marketing Intern, Web Development Intern, Inventory Control Intern and Billing Intern.