Grupo Boticário has more than 250 vacancies, see how to send your CV.

The company that owns brands such as O Boticário, Eudora, Quem Disse, Berenice? has opened hundreds of job offers in Brazil.

The Boticário Group has 256 vacancies this week. The company owns six major brands known to Brazilians: Beleza na Web, O Boticário, Eudora, Quem Disse, Berenice?, The Beauty Box and Vult.

Possible uses are in the areas of commerce and sales, administration, service, logistics and much more. Check out the available vacancies:

boticario group vacancies
Boticário Group Vacancies
  • Sales Consultant
  • Store Manager
  • Cashier
  • Junior Commercial Analyst
  • External Sales Consultant
  • Sales Promoter
  • Field Supervisor
  • Seller
  • Store Salesperson
  • External Salesperson
  • Purchasing Assistant
  • Supply Assistant
  • Supply Manager
  • Stock Assistant
  • Logistics Supervisor
  • Recruitment and Selection Assistant
  • Call Center Assistant
  • Teleoperator
  • Active Telemarketing Assistant

Most vacancies are for professionals with a university degree. The company may also need additional skills such as: B. Experience in the role and office applications.

Grupo Boticário offers a salary appropriate to the position, in addition to benefits such as medical and dental care, life insurance, meal vouchers and transportation vouchers. The capacity will be in nine states of the country and also in the Federal District.

How do I submit my resume?

These vacancies were published on the InfoJobs portal, where you can find all the advertisements. Interested parties who wish to apply for one of the vacancies, please click on the desired vacancy, read the requirements carefully and continue with the application.

The CV can be registered for free in this link. It could certainly be your chance to enter the job market on the right foot, so check it out now


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Pedro Henrique

Website writer, trained in advertising, always bringing the best news, tips, applications and finance to the reader. I believe that education and information move the world.