avoid doing this as it may result in the loss of your nubank card

Did you know that around 70% of people who use a nubank card or even another credit card have three or more cards? The data comes from a national survey carried out by Serasa and shows the importance of credit for Brazilians.

Contrary to what many customers imagine, it is not just payment default that can lead to a credit card block, but not even the most common reason.

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Most of the time, the card is canceled due to bank account inactivity or lack of use of available funds. If the customer does not make deposits, transfers, receipts or payments with the card for more than 12 months, the bank tends to cancel the card, and frequent delays in paying the invoice can also be a reason for cancellation. However, when the debt is paid off, the bank usually makes the card available again.

Another reason that may lead to termination is suspicion of fraud. This could be the case, for example, of a purchase in another state well above the usual value. But in these cases, the bank usually contacts you to verify that you are the owner making the transaction.

It is also possible that termination is due to non-compliance with the terms of use. In this case, each bank has its own rules, so it is important to do your research so as not to make mistakes that lead to the loss of your card.

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Pedro Henrique

Website writer, trained in advertising, always bringing the best news, tips, applications and finance to the reader. I believe that education and information move the world.