INSS actually granted an extra payment of R$2,424 per insured person? Look

The bill submitted to the Chamber of Deputies provides for the payment of up to two minimum wages per insured person.

At the beginning of the pandemic, Congressman Pompeo de Mattos presented a large Bill to pay an extra allowance, for those insured by the INSS (National Social Security Institute). After months without any progress, the proposal finally had a new development.

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Known as the INSS 14th salary project, the text has already been somewhat approved by some committees, this by the Chamber of Deputies. He is currently in charge of the Constitution, Justice and Citizenship Commission (CCJC), where deputy Ricardo Silva was also chosen as his rapporteur.

14th INSS salary

The proposal is to release an additional allowance for retirees, pensioners and beneficiaries of other INSS grants. Includes those who receive the following benefits:

  • Retirement benefits (all types);
    Death benefits;
    Sickness benefit;
    Accident benefits;
  • Maternity pay.

Each of the 31 million Brazilians covered by these social security programs can receive up to two minimum wages (R$ 2,424). The initial idea is to release the amounts for two years to help this portion of the population that has received little attention during the pandemic.

If approved by the CCJC, the PL is forwarded to the Federal Senate plenary for voting. If senators approve the text without amendments, it will be sent to President Jair Bolsonaro for approval.

However, this is an election year and the implementation of such a benefit is prohibited by law. Therefore, it is quite possible that the discussion about the 14th salary will be postponed until next year, which could cause the project to lose momentum and even fall into oblivion.

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Pedro Henrique

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