INSS: retirees and pensioners must receive late payments. see if your name is on the list

Good news for retirees, the resources will be allocated to 81,180 individuals who won legal proceedings to grant or review Social Security benefits.

INSS (National Social Security Institute) policyholders who won legal proceedings against Social Security will receive just over R$ 1.2 billion in RPVs (Small Value Claims) this month. The exact value is: R$ 1,260,282,963.42.

This action, now closed, is entitled to RPV, that is, with payment determined by the judiciary and with a delay of a maximum of 60 minimum wages: R$ 72,720 this year.

The amount was released this Tuesday (24). by the Federal Council of Justice (TJ), which sent a note informing that it was up to the Court of Justice of the Federal District (TRFs) to establish the collection limits for RPVs, which were set in April.

In this way, 81,180 INSS policyholders are covered and referred in 63,522 cases related to social security reviews, sick pay, pensions and other types of benefits.

INSS: Retirees and pensioners – How do I know if my name is on the list?

To find out if your name is on the list, you need to consult the website of the TRFs that have jurisdiction over the process. (Click on the relevant court page link in the list below)

During the consultation, it is generally necessary to provide the case number, name of the lawyer, RPV number and other data that vary between TRFs.

Those who won the case for amounts exceeding 60 minimum wages were entitled to a pre-trial with rules for releasing resources different from those of RPVs.

Check the jurisdiction locations now

TRF 1st Region (With headquarters in DF, with jurisdiction in DF, MG, GO, TO, MT, BA, PI, MA, PA, AM, AC, RR, RO and AP)
Social Security/Assistance: R$ 491,122,879.44 (22,819 processes, with 26,369 beneficiaries) 

TRF of the 2nd Region (With headquarters in RJ, with jurisdiction in RJ and ES)
Social Security/Assistance: R$ 99,506,961.59 (4,779 processes, with 6,290 beneficiaries)   

TRF of the 3rd Region (With headquarters in SP, with jurisdiction in SP and MS)
Social Security/Assistance: R$ 162,865,362.12 (5,557 processes, with 6,646 beneficiaries)

TRF of the 4th Region (With headquarters in RS, with jurisdiction in RS, PR and SC)
Social Security/Assistance: R$ 320,095,905.40 (18,206 processes, with 23,103 beneficiaries) 

TRF of the 5th Region (With headquarters in PE, with jurisdiction in PE, CE, AL, SE, RN and PB)
Social Security/Assistance: R$ 186,691,854.87 (12,161 processes, with 18,772 beneficiaries)

Source: CJF

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Pedro Henrique

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