R$1,000 student aid, see if you get it

Student Aid In addition to a one-off payment of R$ 1,000, families of eligible students receive a monthly payment of R$ 100 for 12 months.

Young students who excel in activities related to education and sport can receive a reward of up to R$ 1,000, in addition to 12 installments of R$ 100.

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The benefits that are part of Auxílio Brasil were called Junior scientific initiation scholarship and promotion of school sports. They guarantee resources in addition to the monthly payments of R$ 400 from the income transfer program. Find out more below!

Scientific training scholarship

  • Brazilian Astronomy Olympiad (OBA)
  • Brazilian Robotics Olympiad (OBR)
  • International Physics and Culture Olympiad (iPHCO)
  • National Science Olympiad (ONC)
  • National Application Olympiad (ONDA)

Those who stand out in these competitions will receive 12 installments worth R$ 100. In addition, the student's family is entitled to a single annual payment of R$ 1,000.

Aid for school sports students

Unlike the previous one, this additional benefit for families enrolled in Auxílio Brasil is intended for students who stood out in official competitions in the Brazilian school games system. Students aged 12 to 17 can participate.

You can benefit from 12 monthly installments of R$ 100, plus a single installment of R$ 1,000 for students who achieve third place in individual or group sports achievement.

In addition to financially supporting low-income families, the institution also seeks to reach the potential of young Brazilians of school age for sport and make them representatives of international competitions in the future.

Pedro Henrique

Website writer, trained in advertising, always bringing the best news, tips, applications and finance to the reader. I believe that education and information move the world.