Aid will be suspended during election period, truth or lie?

Rumors circulating on social media suggest that payment of the benefit will be suspended during the election period.

Beneficiaries of Auxílio Brasil seek explanations for a rumor circulating on social media that is gaining momentum. According to the published notice, benefit payments will be suspended during this year's elections, which are scheduled for October.

The largest cash transfer program replaced Bolsa Família at the end of last year and currently includes around 18 million families. A possible transfer freeze would cause unprecedented damage to the low-income population.

About R$600 Assistance

Directly, the information that Auxílio Brasil will be suspended during the election period is wrong. There is no legal basis for this suspension, nor any indication from the government that it intends to do so.

Logically, this would be a bad move for current president Jair Bolsonaro, elections in 2022. Everything points to this indicating that the actions he adopted go in the opposite direction, since Planalto's latest proposal is to increase the value of the benefit to R$ 600 .

Pedro Henrique

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