Read more about the article Vagas de emprego Eletropaulo: atendente, atendente telefônico, contabilidade, engenharia, operações, recursos humanos, finanças, marketing, supervisor de campo, eletricista, eletricista de manutenção.
Pavel Job Vacancies - Open Scenario

Eletropaulo job openings: attendant, telephone attendant, accounting, engineering, operations, human resources, finance, marketing, field supervisor, electrician, maintenance electrician.

Eletropaulo job vacancies are highly sought after by people who live in one of the 3 states where the company operates. Read with us and find out!

Continue ReadingEletropaulo job openings: attendant, telephone attendant, accounting, engineering, operations, human resources, finance, marketing, field supervisor, electrician, maintenance electrician.
Read more about the article Pichau: Atendimento ao Cliente, Logística, Marketing, TI, RH, Desenvolvimento de Produtos, Comercial, Contabilidade, Compras e Vendas, entre outras.
Pichau - Open Scenario

Pichau: Customer Service, Logistics, Marketing, IT, HR, Product Development, Commercial, Accounting, Purchasing and Sales, among others.

Pichau work with us is a Brazilian technology company focused on selling computing-related products, such as computers, laptops, monitors, video cards, peripherals, among others. Founded in 2008,…

Continue ReadingPichau: Customer Service, Logistics, Marketing, IT, HR, Product Development, Commercial, Accounting, Purchasing and Sales, among others.
Read more about the article Postos Sim: Analistas de Sistema, Técnicos de Manutenção, Gerentes de Relações com o Cliente, Gerentes de Lojas, Gerentes de Estoque e Representantes de Atendimento.
Yes Stations - Open Scenario

Yes Positions: System Analysts, Maintenance Technicians, Customer Relations Managers, Store Managers, Inventory Managers and Service Representatives.

Gas Stations Yes, work with us is a Brazilian gas station network that offers high quality products and services to its customers. Sim was already responsible for supplying…

Continue ReadingYes Positions: System Analysts, Maintenance Technicians, Customer Relations Managers, Store Managers, Inventory Managers and Service Representatives.
Read more about the article Vaga Atendente Pet Shop – RJ
Pavel Job Vacancies - Open Scenario

Pet Shop Attendant Vacancy – RJ

Pet Shop Attendant Vacancy - RJ - Receive customers and animals for bathing and grooming and veterinary care, control the entry and exit of animals, issue billing notes for services performed and sales made; receive goods; launch and download in the computer program the collection and issue of goods; organize the list of animals and addresses for the driver

Continue ReadingPet Shop Attendant Vacancy – RJ