Area for job openings

Read more about the article Sincofarma: Farmacêutico, vendedor, técnico farmacêutico, gerente de loja, assistente administrativo, entre outros.
Sincofarma - Cenário Aberto

Sincofarma: Pharmacist, salesperson, pharmaceutical technician, store manager, administrative assistant, among others.

Sincofarma vagas são muito disputadas. Os dias de encontrar e aproveitar as melhores vagas de emprego na Sincofarma acabaram. Com a crescente demanda por profissionais qualificados na área farmacêutica, a…

Continue ReadingSincofarma: Pharmacist, salesperson, pharmaceutical technician, store manager, administrative assistant, among others.
Read more about the article Unilever: Analista de Marketing, Gerente de Projetos, Gerente de Vendas, Gerente de RH, Engenheiro de Software, Diretor de Marketing e Diretor Executivo.
Unilever - Open Scenario

Unilever: Marketing Analyst, Project Manager, Sales Manager, HR Manager, Software Engineer, Marketing Director and Executive Director.

Unilever work with us is one of the largest consumer goods companies in the world, offering its employees the opportunity to work in a dynamic and inclusive environment. She has…

Continue ReadingUnilever: Marketing Analyst, Project Manager, Sales Manager, HR Manager, Software Engineer, Marketing Director and Executive Director.
Read more about the article Celesc: Geração de energia, Distribuição de energia, Comercialização de energia, Segurança de energia e Manutenção industrial.
Celesc - Open Scenario

Celesc: Energy generation, Energy distribution, Energy commercialization, Energy security and Industrial maintenance.

Celesc job vacancies is a company that operates in the electrical energy sector, headquartered in Florianópolis, Santa Catarina, since 1950. With more than 70 years of experience, the…

Continue ReadingCelesc: Energy generation, Energy distribution, Energy commercialization, Energy security and Industrial maintenance.
Read more about the article Pichau: Atendimento ao Cliente, Logística, Marketing, TI, RH, Desenvolvimento de Produtos, Comercial, Contabilidade, Compras e Vendas, entre outras.
Pichau - Open Scenario

Pichau: Customer Service, Logistics, Marketing, IT, HR, Product Development, Commercial, Accounting, Purchasing and Sales, among others.

Pichau work with us is a Brazilian technology company focused on selling computing-related products, such as computers, laptops, monitors, video cards, peripherals, among others. Founded in 2008,…

Continue ReadingPichau: Customer Service, Logistics, Marketing, IT, HR, Product Development, Commercial, Accounting, Purchasing and Sales, among others.
Read more about the article Extrafarma: Assistente de Logística, Gerente de Logística, Analista de Performance, Gerente de Operações, Gerente de Projetos, Consultor de Vendas, Vendedor e Gerente de Vendas.
Extrafarma - Open Scenario

Extrafarma: Logistics Assistant, Logistics Manager, Performance Analyst, Operations Manager, Project Manager, Sales Consultant, Salesperson and Sales Manager.

Extrafarma works with us is one of the largest chains of pharmacies and drugstores in Brazil. Founded in 2004, the company has been offering quality services to its customers, prioritizing customer satisfaction…

Continue ReadingExtrafarma: Logistics Assistant, Logistics Manager, Performance Analyst, Operations Manager, Project Manager, Sales Consultant, Salesperson and Sales Manager.
Read more about the article DPSP: Atendente de Farmácia, Gerente de Farmácia, Analista de Sistemas, Gerente de Vendas, Analista de Recursos Humanos, Farmacêutico, Caixa, Auxiliar de limpeza e Especialista em equipes.
DPSP - Open Scenario (1)

DPSP: Pharmacy Attendant, Pharmacy Manager, Systems Analyst, Sales Manager, Human Resources Analyst, Pharmacist, Cashier, Cleaning Assistant and Team Specialist.

DPSP work with us is one of the most well-established pharmacies across the country, with more than 500 stores, from the north to the extreme south, and a…

Continue ReadingDPSP: Pharmacy Attendant, Pharmacy Manager, Systems Analyst, Sales Manager, Human Resources Analyst, Pharmacist, Cashier, Cleaning Assistant and Team Specialist.