Read more about the article Pão de Açúcar vagas: Operador de Caixa, Gerente de Loja, Atendente de Loja, Auxiliar de Cozinha, Cozinheiro(a), Auxiliar de Açougue, Açougueiro, Empacotador, Confeiteiro(a), Deposito, Repositor de Estoque, Limpeza, entre outros.
Sugarloaf Mountain - Open Scenario

Pão de Açúcar vacancies: Cashier, Store Manager, Store Attendant, Kitchen Assistant, Cook, Butchery Assistant, Butcher, Packer, Confectioner, Warehouse, Stock Replenisher, Cleaning, among others.

Job vacancies at Pão de Açúcar are good job opportunities. Read with us and check out more details on how to apply for vacancies!

Continue ReadingPão de Açúcar vacancies: Cashier, Store Manager, Store Attendant, Kitchen Assistant, Cook, Butchery Assistant, Butcher, Packer, Confectioner, Warehouse, Stock Replenisher, Cleaning, among others.
Read more about the article Vagas no Condomínio Green Village: Porteiro, Cozinheiro, Recepcionista, Técnico da limpeza, Jardineiro e Responsável técnico de manutenção.
Vacancies at the Green Village Condominium - Cenár

Vacancies at the Green Village Condominium: Doorman, Cook, Receptionist, Cleaning Technician, Gardener and Technical Maintenance Manager.

Vacancies at the Green Village condominium offer an excellent opportunity for those who are looking for a stable, well-paying job. The condominium has a complete infrastructure and is considered a…

Continue ReadingVacancies at the Green Village Condominium: Doorman, Cook, Receptionist, Cleaning Technician, Gardener and Technical Maintenance Manager.
Read more about the article iEL: Administração, Relações Públicas, Ciências Contábeis, Direito, Economia, Engenharia, Jornalismo, Marketing, Comunicação Social, Processos Gerenciais, Psicologia, Publicidade e Propaganda.
iEL - Open Scenario

iEL: Administration, Public Relations, Accounting, Law, Economics, Engineering, Journalism, Marketing, Social Communication, Management Processes, Psychology, Advertising.

iEL internship vacancies is a non-profit entity that has been working for over 60 years for the economic and social development of Brazil. IEL is responsible for…

Continue ReadingiEL: Administration, Public Relations, Accounting, Law, Economics, Engineering, Journalism, Marketing, Social Communication, Management Processes, Psychology, Advertising.

BH Supermarket: Cashier, stockist, replenisher, attendant, cleaning assistant, store manager, administrative assistant, delivery man, store supervisor, valet, maintenance assistant, sales promoter, cashier supervisor, stock supervisor, cleaning supervisor, sales supervisor, security supervisor, among others.

BH supermarket job vacancies are in the city of Belo Horizonte, which is known for its cultural and entrepreneurial life, but is also recognized as an important business center.…

Continue ReadingBH Supermarket: Cashier, stockist, replenisher, attendant, cleaning assistant, store manager, administrative assistant, delivery man, store supervisor, valet, maintenance assistant, sales promoter, cashier supervisor, stock supervisor, cleaning supervisor, sales supervisor, security supervisor, among others.