Check out 2 cards that approve credit for negatives

Nowadays, there are several credit card choices on the market such as Nubank, Next, Santander and many others. However, not all of them are the best credit options for SPC and Serasa negatives. Thus, in this article we talk about the two best credit cards for those with a negative name: PagBank and Banco Inter.

What is the best credit card option for negative credit cards?

If you have your name negative with the SPC and Serasa, these are the two best credit card choices for negative credit. They have their differences, however, and that's what we'll talk about next. Let's see which is the best.


Can you imagine a negative person being entitled to a credit card with a limit of up to 50% of salary? PagBank wants to offer this to its new customers in the future. In order to gain access to PagBank's negative credit cards, the card request, like all cards, is still subject to analysis. However, the chances of anyone having access to credit, including negative ones, are great. Thus, the condition is to prescribe the transfer of salary to PagBank.

Banco Inter

In the case of Banco Inters, the benefits of its negative credit cards include annuity and monthly fee, no consultation with the SPC and Serasa and international coverage. In addition, the invoice is deducted directly from the payroll and interest is added. Another great benefit is the ability to withdraw up to 90% from the cash limit.

Which should I choose?

Therefore, the question: among the best credit card options for negative credit cards, which one is the best? The truth is that PagBank can be the best option if you don't mind transferring your salary, but still want to have greater financial control, as it releases a limit of up to 50% from your salary. However, if you are looking for more access to credit, Inter may be the best option, as it offers the possibility of withdrawing 90% from the limit.

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Pedro Henrique

Website editor, trained in publicity and advertising, always bringing the best news, tips, applications and finance to the reader. I believe that education and information move the world.