Manserv: Warehouse Assistant, Welder, Electrician, Warehouse Assistant, Maintenance Leader, General Assistant, Mechanic Assistant, among others.

Manserv Jobs are very disputed. The growing demand for qualified professionals and the large availability of vacancies in the job market has been a recurring theme in recent years. Proof of this is the company Manserv, which offers job opportunities in various sectors.

With the aim of finding the best professionals to meet the needs of its clients, Manserv vacancies has an efficient and comprehensive recruitment platform.

On this platform, the candidate will have the opportunity to find the right vacancy to develop your skills and competencies, in addition to having a transparent and fair selection process.

Aman Facilities

Aman Facilities is a provider of multiple services, find out about the different vacancies.

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Through this text, we want to highlight the benefits and advantages that Manserv vacancies offers to candidates, as well as informing about the vacancies that are available to fill. Read with us and learn more about the Manserv jobs, let's go!

Manserv Vacancies: how to apply?

  • Access the Manserv website and click on the “Jobs”;
  • On this page, you will see all the vacancies available for the position and area of your choice;
  • Click in "sign up” to open the registration form;
  • Fill in the form with your details, such as name, address, email, etc. You will also need to attach your curriculum;
  • Once you have filled out the form, click on the “To send”;
  • You will receive a notification to confirm that your application has been successfully received;
  • Manserv will contact you to provide more details about the vacancy.

So, you can apply for Manserv job openings. It is important to remember that you must follow all steps to ensure that your application is processed correctly.

Who can work at this company?

The type of person who can work at Manserv varies greatly, depending on the position being offered.


For example, for a project management position, you can recruit professionals with management experience, such as project administrators, project managers or even people with engineering, development or design experience.

For software development, the company seeks to recruit professionals with knowledge of programming languages and frameworks, such as Java, C#, Python, Ruby on Rails, etc.

Additionally, the company is looking for candidates with experience in software testing, information security and experience with code management tools such as Git.

For infrastructure, professionals are recruited with experience in networks, virtualization, storage, information security, systems monitoring and database administration. In addition, they are also looking for candidates with experience in task automation, such as shell scripting, PowerShell, Puppet, Chef, etc.

Finally, the technical support area also recruits experienced professionals in different disciplines, such as operating systems, networks, information security, system monitoring, databases, etc.

What is the average salary at Manserv?

The average salary at Manserv jobs depends on the position and location of work. For example, systems analysts earn, on average, between R$3,500 and R$7,500 per month, while technical support professionals can earn between R$2,000 and R$4,000 per month.

Additionally, software development teams can earn between R$3,000 and R$6,000 per month.

Professionals who work in other areas, such as administration and finance, can earn higher salaries, depending on the position and location of work. Project managers, for example, can earn between R$8,000 and R$15,000 per month.

Salaries may also vary depending on the professional's level of experience, as well as other factors, such as the region of the country where the professional is working. To the next!

Is it worth working on Manserv vacancies?

Yes, it's worth working at Manserv. Work at Manserv jobs It is a great opportunity for those interested in the field of information technology. The company offers a dynamic work environment, where employees have the chance to develop their skills and grow professionally.

In addition, Manserv also offers a wide range of benefits, including health plans, insurance, pension plans, annual bonuses and the opportunity to work on projects in collaboration with global companies.

In addition to the benefits, working at Manserv also offers the opportunity to work with cutting-edge technologies.

 The company constantly invests in improving its services, which means employees will have the chance to work with the latest tools and solutions, which helps keep them up to date and competitive in the job market.

Finally, working at Manserv is a great opportunity for those interested in working in IT services.

The company offers excellent benefits, professional development opportunities and the chance to work with the latest technologies. It's a great way to start a career in information technology. To the next!

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Ágil DF is a multispecialist service provider!

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Pedro Henrique

Website editor, trained in publicity and advertising, always bringing the best news, tips, applications and finance to the reader. I believe that education and information move the world.