Santander: Scholarship program offers 6 thousand places, check

Santander Universities in partnership with Edgar Abreu Courses offers thousands of scholarships for those who want to enter the financial market, see more details in the article.

The financial market looks for workers who have certification and it takes a lot of time and money to obtain it. In this context, Santander Universities announced this Tuesday (24) the opening of thousands of scholarships to prepare for the most important certifications in the country. There are a total of 6,000 scholarships with free monthly fees that are the result of a partnership between Santander and Edgar Abreu Courses.

How the Santander scholarship program works

The partnership with the Edgar Abreu Courses aims to offer opportunities in preparatory courses for CPA-20 with around 4,200 scholarships and CEA with around 1,800 scholarships. These are the most coveted certifications in the investment market, granted by the Brazilian Association of Financial and Capital Market Companies (ANBIMA).

It is important to highlight that the courses cost a total of R$ 1,436 and the certification R$ 1,286, both fully funded by Santander, Edgar Abreu Courses and ANBIMA.

According to the president of 4U Edtech, over the years important partnerships have been signed with Santander to improve access to quality professional training, make it more inclusive and democratic and allow thousands of professionals to access the financial market at a high level. The offer of scholarships from Santander Universities shows the potential of the advances that the institutions aspire to make for the sector. It is important to highlight that during the preparatory course participants will learn more about the main contents of the tests and Edgar Abreu Courses will administer a test upon completion.

How to register?

The 1,650 scholarship holders with the best performance can take the official CPA-20 test, which is administered by ANBIMA and the costs are fully borne by Santander. For the CEA, registration is also free for the first 350 placed.

Students have lifetime access to the course and have approximately 2 months to complete the test, which covers topics such as Variable Income, Derivatives, Investment, Fixed Income and basic principles of economics and finance.

According to the senior superintendent of Santander Universities in Brazil, Nicolás Vergara, the scholarships represent a great opportunity for candidates to enter the investment sector for free. This sector continues to expand and there is a growing need for professionals with specific certifications in the market.

Santander continues to consistently invest in people and strengthen education and training through its programs. Interested parties can register on the Santander website until July 16th.

See too:

Pedro Henrique

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