Senac: Cleaning Assistant, Waiter, Cook, Apprentice, Administrative Assistant, Attendant, among others.

To the Senac jobs are highly sought after. Senac is a first-class educational entity, which offers its students diverse learning opportunities.

As part of this mission, Senac has also provided its students and former students with the opportunity to obtain a placement at job market.

In this article, we will cover job openings at Senac and how students can apply. Therefore, if you want to know more about the Senac jobs, we recommend that you follow us to the end of the article for more details. Come on, read with us!

Senai Job Vacancies: Find Out How to Apply

Complete guide on how to apply for vacancies

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What is Senac?

The National Commercial Learning Service (Senac) is a private, non-profit educational entity that seeks to develop activities related to professional education and workforce qualification to meet the needs of the job market.

Founded in 1946, Senac is maintained by the National Confederation of Commerce in Goods, Services and Tourism (CNC) and offers courses, programs, projects and educational activities for professional qualification.

Senac is recognized for the quality of its teaching and is certified by the Ministry of Education (MEC). Furthermore, it is recognized for the innovation of its courses and its presence in all regions of the country.


Currently, Senac offers courses at different levels:

Secondary-level technical professional education (EPTM), technical courses, free courses, qualification courses, extension courses, professional qualification courses, initial and continuing training courses (FIC), specialization courses, master's courses, doctoral courses and postgraduate courses.

Furthermore, Senac develops initiatives to encourage entrepreneurship and innovation in all areas of knowledge.

These initiatives include the Senac Technological Innovation Program (PSIT), the Commercial Innovation Program (PIC) and the Higher Education Professional Training Project (PROFIP).

Senac also offers consultancy, professional guidance, advisory and technical assistance services for companies, institutions and individuals, being the leader in professional education in Brazil and has more than 600 units spread across the nation, offering more than 8 thousand courses.

Senac vacancies: how to apply?

Senac offers job opportunities in different areas. To register for a vacancy, you must access the Senac website at On the main page, locate the “Jobs” and click on it.

The Senac Job Vacancies page will then open. On this page, you will see all available vacancies. If you want to sign up for one of them, just click the “sign up”.

After that, a screen will open for you to fill in your personal details, such as name, address and contacts. It is important that this data is entered correctly, as Senac will then contact you for additional information.

After filling in your details, you will need to send your CV. Senac accepts resumes in different formats, such as PDF, Word and Doc. However, it is important that the CV is updated and written in accordance with the standard required by Senac.

After submitting your resume, the application process is complete. Senac will contact you to inform you whether you were selected for the position or not.

What is the average salary at Senac?

Senac offers several job openings across the country in areas such as education, health, services, tourism, administration, finance and others. The average salary for jobs at Senac varies according to the function and location.

The average salary for teaching positions at Senac is approximately R$2,500.00. Secondary, technical secondary and higher education teachers, for example, earn on average between R$2,800.00 and R$4,000.00. Administrative positions have an average salary of between R$1,800.00 and R$3,000.00.

Technical level positions, such as IT technicians, for example, have an average salary of R$2,500.00. Higher-level positions, such as engineers, accountants, administrators, among others, have an average salary of between R$3,800.00 and R$5,000.00.

In addition to the average salary, Senac employees can also count on benefits such as health insurance, transportation vouchers, life insurance, food assistance and others.

Is it worth working in vacant Senacs?

Yes, as Senac offers several job opportunities for those interested in entering the job market.

The available vacancies represent a great chance for people who want to develop professionally and obtain more qualifications. Furthermore, Senac offers excellent working conditions and benefits for its employees.

Therefore, it is important that interested parties take advantage of this opportunity and look for available vacancies to improve their CV and obtain a stable job in a serious institution committed to teaching. To the next!

Open Internship Vacancies

Company is hiring interns to start immediately, see how to work at the institution.


Pedro Henrique

Website editor, trained in publicity and advertising, always bringing the best news, tips, applications and finance to the reader. I believe that education and information move the world.