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Pavel Job Vacancies - Open Scenario

Vacancy for Cleaning Assistant 

Cleaning Assistant Vacancy - Ensure order and cleanliness in the manufacturing area; Performs simple cleaning and heavy washing of floors, doors, walls up to 2 meters high, tables, cabinets and windows (administrative areas, production/factory area, AMPE, agency, shipping, logistics area, external area, etc.) ; Cleans bathrooms and changing rooms; Collects waste generated in bathrooms, administrative areas, external areas, pantry/cafeteria and manufacturing areas; Replenishes disposable materials (paper towels used to dry hands, toilet paper used in toilets, cups); Replenishes material for hand hygiene, toilets, factory entrances and other points distributed in production areas; Sanitizes gallons, replaces water and supplies disposable cups used in drinking fountains; Cleans the outpatient clinic and collects common and infectious waste generated on site;

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Read more about the article VAGA AUXILIAR LIMPEZA
Pavel Job Vacancies - Open Scenario


VAGA AUXILIAR LIMPEZA - Fazer a limpeza completa dos ambientes, organizar, lavar, varrer, tirar pó-poeira, recolher o lixo das áreas de convivência, passar pano, entre outras atividades pertinentes a limpeza e conservação do ambiente; - Manter controle do estoque de materiais de limpeza; - Manter a organização dos ambientes; - Repor materiais de limpeza; - Fazer uso de equipamentos que auxilie na limpeza. Ter disposição; - Ser ágil; - Ser proativo; - Ter iniciativa; - Ser responsável; - Ser organizado; - Trabalhar em equipe; - Ter experiência na área da limpeza.