Read more about the article VAGA AUXILIAR MANUTENÇÃO
Pavel Job Vacancies - Open Scenario


MAINTENANCE ASSISTANT VACANCY - Assist with building, electrical, plumbing and carpentry maintenance services, on the premises of the units, according to demand and guidance from immediate supervision. Use, under guidance, appropriate tools and equipment for each type of activity, including working at heights, making use of the required safety accessories, in accordance with current legislation. Take care of the safety of users, students and employees while carrying out maintenance services. Clean and organize the places where maintenance services were carried out, removing debris, sweeping, eliminating waste and stains. Ensure the conservation of materials, tools and equipment used in maintenance services, requesting replacement when necessary. Control the stock of materials, parts, components, tools and equipment, checking quantities and recording their movement in documents and spreadsheets. Collaborate in events held at the College, carrying out support activities in accordance with superior guidelines.

Read more about the article Vaga Vendedor- RJ
Pavel Job Vacancies - Open Scenario

Salesperson Vacancy - RJ

Salesperson Vacancy - RJ - Customer service; Demonstration and orientation of the glasses available in the store; Sale of products; Monitoring customer orders, as well as the entire after-sales process; Cashier service and receipt, as well as sales processing; Actively contribute to organizing and maintaining the store’s appearance; Marketing of products physically and virtually.

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Read more about the article Vaga Técnico Manutenção
Pavel Job Vacancies - Open Scenario

Maintenance Technician Vacancy

Maintenance Technician Vacancy - Performs general maintenance activities; Visits work stations, monitoring the activities of maintenance officers and assistants; Performs preventive actions at maintenance-oriented workstations; Performs repairs at headquarters and branches if necessary; Requests the purchase of materials for general maintenance activities.

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Read more about the article Vaga Analista Fiscal – RJ
Pavel Job Vacancies - Open Scenario

Tax Analyst Vacancy – RJ

Tax Analyst Vacancy - RJ - Post invoices in the management integration system, as well as provide support to different areas, branches and customers. · Calculate direct taxes ICMS, ICMS-ST, PIS and COFINS, including assembling and organizing daily movements of incoming invoices and outgoing invoices (invoicing) and reconciling movements. · Deliver the appropriate municipal ancillary obligations, issuing ISS reports, posting service notes and generating guides. · Deliver all obligations, GIA ICMS Information Guide - São Paulo, DCTF Declare Federal Tax Debts and Credits. · Deliver the appropriate state ancillary obligations. · Deliver the appropriate federal obligations, generating the Darfs, DCTF, DIRF.

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