Read more about the article Pichau: Atendimento ao Cliente, Logística, Marketing, TI, RH, Desenvolvimento de Produtos, Comercial, Contabilidade, Compras e Vendas, entre outras.
Pichau - Open Scenario

Pichau: Customer Service, Logistics, Marketing, IT, HR, Product Development, Commercial, Accounting, Purchasing and Sales, among others.

Pichau work with us is a Brazilian technology company focused on selling computing-related products, such as computers, laptops, monitors, video cards, peripherals, among others. Founded in 2008,…

Continue ReadingPichau: Customer Service, Logistics, Marketing, IT, HR, Product Development, Commercial, Accounting, Purchasing and Sales, among others.
Read more about the article DPSP: Atendente de Farmácia, Gerente de Farmácia, Analista de Sistemas, Gerente de Vendas, Analista de Recursos Humanos, Farmacêutico, Caixa, Auxiliar de limpeza e Especialista em equipes.
DPSP - Open Scenario (1)

DPSP: Pharmacy Attendant, Pharmacy Manager, Systems Analyst, Sales Manager, Human Resources Analyst, Pharmacist, Cashier, Cleaning Assistant and Team Specialist.

DPSP work with us is one of the most well-established pharmacies across the country, with more than 500 stores, from the north to the extreme south, and a…

Continue ReadingDPSP: Pharmacy Attendant, Pharmacy Manager, Systems Analyst, Sales Manager, Human Resources Analyst, Pharmacist, Cashier, Cleaning Assistant and Team Specialist.
Read more about the article Graal: Representantes de Atendimento, Mecânico de Manutenção, Operador de Loja, Técnico de Segurança, Recepcionista, Frentista e Estoquista.
Grail - Open Scenario

Grail: Service Representatives, Maintenance Mechanic, Store Operator, Security Technician, Receptionist, Gas Station Operator and Stocker.

Graal, work with us, is one of the best gas station/restaurant networks in Brazil. With 46 stations spread across several states, Graal offers its customers quality services…

Continue ReadingGrail: Service Representatives, Maintenance Mechanic, Store Operator, Security Technician, Receptionist, Gas Station Operator and Stocker.