Read more about the article Vaga Vendedor- RJ
Pavel Job Vacancies - Open Scenario

Salesperson Vacancy - RJ

Salesperson Vacancy - RJ - Customer service; Demonstration and orientation of the glasses available in the store; Sale of products; Monitoring customer orders, as well as the entire after-sales process; Cashier service and receipt, as well as sales processing; Actively contribute to organizing and maintaining the store’s appearance; Marketing of products physically and virtually.

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Read more about the article Vaga Técnico Manutenção
Pavel Job Vacancies - Open Scenario

Maintenance Technician Vacancy

Maintenance Technician Vacancy - Performs general maintenance activities; Visits work stations, monitoring the activities of maintenance officers and assistants; Performs preventive actions at maintenance-oriented workstations; Performs repairs at headquarters and branches if necessary; Requests the purchase of materials for general maintenance activities.

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Read more about the article Vaga Analista Fiscal – RJ
Pavel Job Vacancies - Open Scenario

Tax Analyst Vacancy – RJ

Tax Analyst Vacancy - RJ - Post invoices in the management integration system, as well as provide support to different areas, branches and customers. · Calculate direct taxes ICMS, ICMS-ST, PIS and COFINS, including assembling and organizing daily movements of incoming invoices and outgoing invoices (invoicing) and reconciling movements. · Deliver the appropriate municipal ancillary obligations, issuing ISS reports, posting service notes and generating guides. · Deliver all obligations, GIA ICMS Information Guide - São Paulo, DCTF Declare Federal Tax Debts and Credits. · Deliver the appropriate state ancillary obligations. · Deliver the appropriate federal obligations, generating the Darfs, DCTF, DIRF.

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