Read more about the article Vaga Analista Fiscal – RJ
Pavel Job Vacancies - Open Scenario

Tax Analyst Vacancy – RJ

Tax Analyst Vacancy - RJ - Post invoices in the management integration system, as well as provide support to different areas, branches and customers. · Calculate direct taxes ICMS, ICMS-ST, PIS and COFINS, including assembling and organizing daily movements of incoming invoices and outgoing invoices (invoicing) and reconciling movements. · Deliver the appropriate municipal ancillary obligations, issuing ISS reports, posting service notes and generating guides. · Deliver all obligations, GIA ICMS Information Guide - São Paulo, DCTF Declare Federal Tax Debts and Credits. · Deliver the appropriate state ancillary obligations. · Deliver the appropriate federal obligations, generating the Darfs, DCTF, DIRF.

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Read more about the article Vaga Analista Controladoria – RJ
Pavel Job Vacancies - Open Scenario

Controllership Analyst Vacancy – RJ

Controllership Analyst Vacancy - RJ - Professional responsible for preparing and analyzing budget monitoring reports, comparing expenses, developing standards and procedures related to budgetary controls, aiming to ensure compliance with the company's accounting and financial results, working on programming the interface between flows of the store's products from the cash flow of the enterprises, plan and monitor all the actions of all the company's goals, analyze the balance sheet and income statement, prepare management reports, including by product for making the company's strategic decisions, fill out the control expenses in an electronic spreadsheet, carry out sensitive analysis, control the price table, contribution margin, release orders and other department routines, prepare balance sheets and consolidated and managerial financial statements of the group, carry out the calculation of the result segmented by item, channel, market, brand, region and unit, carry out management closing, analyze expenses by account and cost center, respond to the process of preparing the annual budget as well as the monthly analysis of its variations, carry out the interface with accounting to analyze and validate the result, identify improvements to assist the company's decision makers, control the calculation of accounting and management provisions.

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