Read more about the article DMA Distribuidora: Atendente, Motorista, Operador de Caixa, Vendedor, Estagiário de Logística, Estagiário de Atendimento ao Cliente, Estagiário de Marketing Digital, Estagiário de Desenvolvimento Web, Estagiário de Controle de Estoque e Estagiário de Faturamento.
DMA Distribuidora - Open Scenario

DMA Distributor: Attendant, Driver, Cashier, Salesperson, Logistics Intern, Customer Service Intern, Digital Marketing Intern, Web Development Intern, Inventory Control Intern and Billing Intern.

DMA distributor job vacancies is one of the main product distribution companies in Brazil. In addition to offering the best products and services to its customers, DMA also…

Continue ReadingDMA Distributor: Attendant, Driver, Cashier, Salesperson, Logistics Intern, Customer Service Intern, Digital Marketing Intern, Web Development Intern, Inventory Control Intern and Billing Intern.
Read more about the article Wiseup: Professor de Inglês, Instrutor de Inglês, Coordenador de Curso, Gerente de Operações, Assistente de Administração, Assistente de Atendimento, Assistente de Marketing, Auxiliar de Limpeza, Auxiliar de Manutenção e Recepcionista.
Wiseup - Open Scenario

Wiseup: English Teacher, English Instructor, Course Coordinator, Operations Manager, Administration Assistant, Customer Service Assistant, Marketing Assistant, Cleaning Assistant, Maintenance Assistant and Receptionist.

Wiseup works with us is an important and recognized educational institution specialized in foreign language courses. They offer a variety of employment opportunities for those looking to develop…

Continue ReadingWiseup: English Teacher, English Instructor, Course Coordinator, Operations Manager, Administration Assistant, Customer Service Assistant, Marketing Assistant, Cleaning Assistant, Maintenance Assistant and Receptionist.

BH Supermarket: Cashier, stockist, replenisher, attendant, cleaning assistant, store manager, administrative assistant, delivery man, store supervisor, valet, maintenance assistant, sales promoter, cashier supervisor, stock supervisor, cleaning supervisor, sales supervisor, security supervisor, among others.

BH supermarket job vacancies are in the city of Belo Horizonte, which is known for its cultural and entrepreneurial life, but is also recognized as an important business center.…

Continue ReadingBH Supermarket: Cashier, stockist, replenisher, attendant, cleaning assistant, store manager, administrative assistant, delivery man, store supervisor, valet, maintenance assistant, sales promoter, cashier supervisor, stock supervisor, cleaning supervisor, sales supervisor, security supervisor, among others.
Read more about the article Sincofarma: Farmacêutico, vendedor, técnico farmacêutico, gerente de loja, assistente administrativo, entre outros.
Sincofarma - Cenário Aberto

Sincofarma: Pharmacist, salesperson, pharmaceutical technician, store manager, administrative assistant, among others.

Sincofarma vagas são muito disputadas. Os dias de encontrar e aproveitar as melhores vagas de emprego na Sincofarma acabaram. Com a crescente demanda por profissionais qualificados na área farmacêutica, a…

Continue ReadingSincofarma: Pharmacist, salesperson, pharmaceutical technician, store manager, administrative assistant, among others.
Read more about the article Celesc: Geração de energia, Distribuição de energia, Comercialização de energia, Segurança de energia e Manutenção industrial.
Celesc - Open Scenario

Celesc: Energy generation, Energy distribution, Energy commercialization, Energy security and Industrial maintenance.

Celesc job vacancies is a company that operates in the electrical energy sector, headquartered in Florianópolis, Santa Catarina, since 1950. With more than 70 years of experience, the…

Continue ReadingCelesc: Energy generation, Energy distribution, Energy commercialization, Energy security and Industrial maintenance.
Read more about the article Pichau: Atendimento ao Cliente, Logística, Marketing, TI, RH, Desenvolvimento de Produtos, Comercial, Contabilidade, Compras e Vendas, entre outras.
Pichau - Open Scenario

Pichau: Customer Service, Logistics, Marketing, IT, HR, Product Development, Commercial, Accounting, Purchasing and Sales, among others.

Pichau work with us is a Brazilian technology company focused on selling computing-related products, such as computers, laptops, monitors, video cards, peripherals, among others. Founded in 2008,…

Continue ReadingPichau: Customer Service, Logistics, Marketing, IT, HR, Product Development, Commercial, Accounting, Purchasing and Sales, among others.