Read more about the article Extrafarma: Assistente de Logística, Gerente de Logística, Analista de Performance, Gerente de Operações, Gerente de Projetos, Consultor de Vendas, Vendedor e Gerente de Vendas.
Extrafarma - Open Scenario

Extrafarma: Logistics Assistant, Logistics Manager, Performance Analyst, Operations Manager, Project Manager, Sales Consultant, Salesperson and Sales Manager.

Extrafarma works with us is one of the largest chains of pharmacies and drugstores in Brazil. Founded in 2004, the company has been offering quality services to its customers, prioritizing customer satisfaction…

Continue ReadingExtrafarma: Logistics Assistant, Logistics Manager, Performance Analyst, Operations Manager, Project Manager, Sales Consultant, Salesperson and Sales Manager.
Read more about the article DPSP: Atendente de Farmácia, Gerente de Farmácia, Analista de Sistemas, Gerente de Vendas, Analista de Recursos Humanos, Farmacêutico, Caixa, Auxiliar de limpeza e Especialista em equipes.
DPSP - Open Scenario (1)

DPSP: Pharmacy Attendant, Pharmacy Manager, Systems Analyst, Sales Manager, Human Resources Analyst, Pharmacist, Cashier, Cleaning Assistant and Team Specialist.

DPSP work with us is one of the most well-established pharmacies across the country, with more than 500 stores, from the north to the extreme south, and a…

Continue ReadingDPSP: Pharmacy Attendant, Pharmacy Manager, Systems Analyst, Sales Manager, Human Resources Analyst, Pharmacist, Cashier, Cleaning Assistant and Team Specialist.
Read more about the article Graal: Representantes de Atendimento, Mecânico de Manutenção, Operador de Loja, Técnico de Segurança, Recepcionista, Frentista e Estoquista.
Grail - Open Scenario

Grail: Service Representatives, Maintenance Mechanic, Store Operator, Security Technician, Receptionist, Gas Station Operator and Stocker.

Graal, work with us, is one of the best gas station/restaurant networks in Brazil. With 46 stations spread across several states, Graal offers its customers quality services…

Continue ReadingGrail: Service Representatives, Maintenance Mechanic, Store Operator, Security Technician, Receptionist, Gas Station Operator and Stocker.
Read more about the article Postos Sim: Analistas de Sistema, Técnicos de Manutenção, Gerentes de Relações com o Cliente, Gerentes de Lojas, Gerentes de Estoque e Representantes de Atendimento.
Yes Stations - Open Scenario

Yes Positions: System Analysts, Maintenance Technicians, Customer Relations Managers, Store Managers, Inventory Managers and Service Representatives.

Gas Stations Yes, work with us is a Brazilian gas station network that offers high quality products and services to its customers. Sim was already responsible for supplying…

Continue ReadingYes Positions: System Analysts, Maintenance Technicians, Customer Relations Managers, Store Managers, Inventory Managers and Service Representatives.
Read more about the article Vaga Atendente Pet Shop – RJ
Pavel Job Vacancies - Open Scenario

Pet Shop Attendant Vacancy – RJ

Pet Shop Attendant Vacancy - RJ - Receive customers and animals for bathing and grooming and veterinary care, control the entry and exit of animals, issue billing notes for services performed and sales made; receive goods; launch and download in the computer program the collection and issue of goods; organize the list of animals and addresses for the driver

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