INSS: Retirees can get R$70 thousand in the following way

Find out how retirees and community retirees can receive monetary compensation of up to R$ 72,720 in one go.

The National Social Security Institute (INSS) was forced to pay R$ 1.26 billion to 81,180,000 policyholders who won legal actions against the community. They may arise from delays in approving applications, reviewing pensions or other benefits.

The amounts to be paid were ordered by a judge. Transfers are for small value requests (RPVs). They correspond to a maximum of up to 60 minimum wages, currently in the order of R$ 72,720.

See: RPVs payment schedule

It is important to note that RPVs are different from the so-called precatório, which are amounts that exceed this payment range. Additional payments must be made by July. It is now up to the State Courts (TRFs) to determine the payment schedule for RPVs.

It is up to the TRFs to deposit the released funds according to their own payment schedules. Regarding the day on which the accounts will be effectively released for withdrawal, this information must be obtained by consulting the RPVs, which are available on the portal of the competent Federal District Court, the Federal Justice Commission (TJ) said in a statement

How to check what you can receive?

To find out who is entitled to the amounts, the beneficiary or attorney responsible for the process must access the TRF website where the request was made. Check out the detailed list for each state below:

  • TRF of the 1st Region (headquarters in DF, jurisdiction in DF, MG, GO, TO, MT, BA, PI, MA, PA, AM, AC, RR, RO and AP);
  • TRF of the 2nd Region (headquarters in RJ, jurisdiction in RJ and ES);
  • TRF of the 3rd Region (headquarters in SP, jurisdiction in SP and MS);
  • TRF of the 4th Region (headquarters in RS, jurisdiction in RS, PR and SC);
  • TRF of the 5th Region (headquarters in PE, jurisdiction in PE; CE, AL, SE, RN and PB).

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Pedro Henrique

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