See: City halls open the process for assistance of R$1,500

According to official information, municipalities in Pernambuco carry out the selection process of residents who will receive aid of R$1,500.

This week, municipalities in Pernambuco begin or continue the process of selecting citizens affected by heavy rains in the region to receive emergency aid. Each municipality decides the best way to carry out the procedure. However, payments come from the state government.

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As mentioned, each city hall has its own way of making transfers. However, some rules are general. To receive R$ 1,500 in emergency aid, you must have been affected in some way by the heavy rains that hit the state last week. In addition, an active and updated registration with CadÚnico is required.

One of the communities most affected by the rains was Jaboatão dos Guararapes, in the metropolitan region of the city of Recife. The local city hall released details of the selection process this week. They will begin work by sending city hall agents to the areas affected by landslides and floods next Thursday (9).

The idea is that agents receive information from families who have suffered some type of damage due to rain. Professionals need to take photos of homes to prove that families really need help. Soon after, the assistants will send the collected data to the City of Jaboatão dos Guararapes.

With the information in hand, local government authorities will select the names of those who will receive emergency aid. This way, basic information is sent to residents via WhatsApp. The message explains details such as the payment method, the transfer date and the bank where the citizen can withdraw the funds.

Aid of R$1,500

Emergency aid from the state of Pernambuco was officially announced by governor Paulo Câmara (PSB) at the end of last week. He explained that the money will be transferred to the accounts of the 33 city halls that are in an emergency situation.

From there, the municipalities will decide the best way to transfer resources to those affected. In addition to this aid, the state government presented a project to the state parliament to create a lifetime pension.

The second aid will be paid monthly for life to the families of 129 people who died in recent days as a result of heavy rains in Pernambuco. The project is processed urgently.

Rains in the state

Since May, the state has officially recorded 129 rain-related deaths in the state. In fact, one of them occurred in the early hours of this Tuesday (7) after new landslides in the city of Recife.

The numbers show that the tragedy in the capital of Pernambuco is the biggest of the century. It is estimated that more than 10,000 citizens remain homeless and homeless in the city's metropolitan area. Most don't know when they can return home.

Some parliamentarians even presented social projects at the national congress aimed at victims of the rains in Pernambuco and also in the state of Alagoas. However, none of these projects have been approved to date.

See too: Find out how to earn extra income in dollars by answering surveys.

Pedro Henrique

Website writer, trained in advertising, always bringing the best news, tips, applications and finance to the reader. I believe that education and information move the world.