PIS/Pasep: Check documents required for withdrawal

Workers eligible for PIS/Pasep Fund quotas received their amounts in accounts linked to the Service Time Guarantee Fund (FGTS).

Workers who were entitled to shares from the PIS/Pasep Fund had their amounts transferred to accounts linked to the Severance Indemnity Fund (FGTS). As the PIS/Pasep fund was extinguished by provisional measure no. 946, of April 7, 2020.

Read too: See how to earn extra income repairing cell phones.

Given this scenario, many doubts arise about the law and the withdrawal of funds. Know more.

With the extinction of this PIS/Pasep Fund model, will I lose my right to unwithdrawn amounts?

No. As already mentioned, the balance of the shares was transferred to employee accounts linked to the FGTS. However, the holder or their heirs must repay the amounts by May 31, 2025, otherwise the amounts will be subject to Union legislation without new payment options.

Can I withdraw from a deceased loved one?

Relatives and/or heirs of the deceased holder entitled to PIS/Pasep shares must appear in person at one of the branches of the bank that represented them – Caixa Econômica Federal (PIS) or Banco do Brasil (Pasep). following documents:

  • Identity;
  • Death Certificate, one of which is:
  • Certificate or declaration from qualified family members; or
  • Employer certificate; or
  • Judicial approval for designation of successor/legal representative; or
  • Form of spin-off/public deed of incorporation and spin-off; or
  • Written statement by mutual consent of relatives or legal successors stating that no other relatives or legal successors are known and requesting resignation.

What type of identification document is accepted to make a withdrawal?

  • Identity Card (RG);
  • Driving License (new version);
  • Functional Card recognized by Decree
  • Military Identity;
  • Foreigners’ Identity Card;
  • Passport issued in Brazil or abroad.

Who is entitled to access these accounts?

Employees who worked with a formal contract between 1971 and 1988 and did not withdraw the amounts until then.

How do I check my PIS/Pasep?

As already mentioned, employees can find out information about the benefit in the digital work card application and on number 158. Citizens benefiting from PIS can also check the benefit through Caixa Trabalhador and Caixa Tem.

Pasep employees can also consult the Banco do Brasil website. There is also the option of calling the BB Customer Service Center (4004-0001, Capitals and Metropolitan Regions or 0800 729 0001, Domestic).

See tooFind out how to earn extra income in dollars by answering surveys.

Pedro Henrique

Website writer, trained in advertising, always bringing the best news, tips, applications and finance to the reader. I believe that education and information move the world.