PIS/Pasep: can a new round be paid in 2022? check out

Benefits of up to one PIS/Pasep minimum wage for public and private sector employees. See more details

The PIS/Pasep Salary Bonus is a benefit that millions of public and private sector workers rely on every year. Transfers are almost always made in the year following employment, i. H. whoever worked in 2021 will receive 2022 and so on.

It turns out that the federal government decided to postpone the payment of the 2020 base year grant to save money during the pandemic. Therefore, the transfers for those who worked that year were made a few months ago, in February and March of this year.

The measure led many Brazilians to believe in the possibility of a double dismissal, as the 2021 PIS/Pasep was originally supposed to be paid this year. But will this happen? Should citizens expect a new round of salary bonuses in 2022?

New round of Salary Allowance

In short, no. The government decided to postpone the benefits calendar again and announced that the bonus with base year 2021 will not be paid until 2023.

So there is no chance of a new round in the coming months and last year's officially have to wait a bit before being able to retire.

PIS/Pasep forgotten

Despite the bad news for this group, those who failed to claim the subsidy paid in 2020 can celebrate. The government released a new redemption of the benefit that is specific to the 2019 base year until December of this year.

To find out if you are eligible, access the Digital Work Card app (available for Android and iOS). ), or call the Alô Trabalhador center (number 158). Another option is to contact Caixa (PIS) or Banco do Brasil (Pasep).

Those who have not yet received the benefit can request retroactive payment from one of the regional units of the Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs or by email to [email protected] (replacing uf with the acronym des indicates where you live) .

Around 320,000 people still have the right to retroactively withdraw up to one minimum wage.


Pedro Henrique

Website writer, trained in advertising, always bringing the best news, tips, applications and finance to the reader. I believe that education and information move the world.