Didn't receive your extraordinary FGTS? Find out how to contest Caixa’s decision

The last extraordinary FGTS deposit is this Thursday, December 15, for those with birthdays in December. Around 40 million workers are or will be insured since the April sabbatical.

The number is an estimate by Caixa Econômica Federal (CEF) of the number of workers entitled to reimbursement. Please note that Brazilians who are entitled to extraordinary FGTS, but for some reason have not yet received the amounts, must request the benefit by December 15.

If the extraordinary FGTS is not withdrawn by the specified date, the amounts are returned to the employee's original severance fund accounts with the appropriate corrections. Those who are not interested in redeeming the benefit also have the option of communicating their decision through the FGTS app.

When the release of funds was announced, Economy Minister Paulo Guedes said that the federal government's intention in approving the transfers out of season was for indebted and defaulting workers to use the funds to regulate their financial situation. Many of them even used the extraordinary FGTS for a wide variety of investments during this period.

Who can withdraw the extraordinary FGTS benefit?

Basically, those who provide services under the Consolidation of Labor Laws (CLT) regime and create the current collection that makes up the active account.

The same applies to workers who no longer have a signed employment record, but who have a balance in inactive FGTS accounts. It should be noted that these inactive accounts refer to previous years in which withdrawal was not permitted due to non-compliance with basic circumstances, namely:

  • Retirement;
  • Dismissal without just cause;
  • Financing of private residence;
  • Worker over 70 years of age;
  • I have been working for about three years, but without a formal contract.
  • Treatment of a serious illness, either of the FGTS holder or of dependents.

How do I appeal unreleased FGTS?

The extraordinary FGTS not deposited may also involve the provision of incorrect or incomplete data, which has become an obstacle to opening a Caixa Tem account. In this case, the employee must therefore contest the benefit request.

To do this, simply access the FGTS app and enter the requested data on the platform. However, before the citizen requests the withdrawal of the money, he or she must make sure that his or her CPF is correct and that nothing is preventing the opening of his or her digital savings account. Here is an easy step for those who are accessing the app for the first time:

  • Search for FGTS in your mobile app store. Click Install and open the app;
  • Select the Register option;
  • Fill in all the necessary data: CPF, full name, date of birth, email and register an access password;
  • The password must be numeric, with six digits. For those who have already used the application, you can repeat the same password number that you used previously;
  • After entering your details, click the I'm not a robot button.
  • You will receive a confirmation email at the email address provided. Go to it and click on the link sent;
  • After registering, open the APP and share your CPF and registered password;
  • After logging in, some additional questions about your working life will appear;
  • After answering these questions, you must read and accept the application's terms of use by clicking I Agree;
  • Done, you can now use the FGTS APP and enjoy all the new features.

Pedro Henrique

Website writer, trained in advertising, always bringing the best news, tips, applications and finance to the reader. I believe that education and information move the world.