Emergency aid: Can forgotten money still be withdrawn? check out

Emergency aid beneficiaries are still asking whether it is possible to recover forgotten assets from the program. First, it is worth remembering that the benefit is available for withdrawal within 120 days after approval.

Because of this, the benefit deposited in Caixa Tems Digital Social Savings Accounts cannot be withdrawn once the redemption period has expired, that is, it is not possible to recover the last installment.

Guidance on emergency aid for 2022 must be provided on the Dataprev portal. See the steps below:

Access the Emergency Assistance Counseling Portal;
Fill in the field with your unique CPF;
With your full name; It is
With your mother's full name (or select the Unknown mother option);
Enter your date of birth in the required field;
Select reCAPTCHA;
Click SEND

On the Dataprev website, the beneficiary can follow all the details of the requests – such as results, entry and sending dates from Caixa to Dataprev and vice versa, in addition to the justification if the grant was denied.

The federal government's social programs aim to do this by serving the most vulnerable citizens. Therefore, each of them has its own rules and requirements. Therefore, not all program beneficiaries were added to Auxílio Brasil when the emergency aid ended.

In short, around 25 million people were left without income after the end of emergency aid. This is because Auxílio Brasil only serves those who comply with its rules.

The new Bolsa Família only serves families in poverty (whose per capita monthly income is up to R$ 210) and families in extreme poverty (per capita monthly income equal to or less than R$ 105).

Furthermore, the program requires that each family is actively registered in the Single Registry (CadÚnico). Today, Auxílio Brasil serves around 18 million people in vulnerable situations.

The new benefit will be credited to a digital social savings account and can be used through the CAIXA Tem application. The platform allows beneficiaries to pay bills and receipts, make online purchases with a virtual debit card, among other things.

Pedro Henrique

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