Government approved law that makes electricity bills cheaper, check it out

According to forecasts, the electricity bill of Brazilian families will decrease in value by up to 5.4%. Know the origin of the reduction.

The economic crisis hit millions of Brazilian families hard. One of the most common difficulties is keeping up with electricity bills, which is considered one of the essential expenses for families. But this could soon change if a new law is enacted that promises to reduce the burden on energy bills.

President Jair Bolsonaro (PL) sanctioned on June 28th the law that would allow the payment of two prescribed taxes – PIS and coffers – unduly invoiced by electricity concessionaires by consumers. This is used to predict the electricity bill of Brazilian families.

Electricity bill could be cheaper

The new law is based on a decision by the Federal Court of Justice (STF) announced in August 2021, which considers the inclusion of the Tax on the Circulation of Goods and Services (ICMS) in the composition of the PIS/Cofins calculation to be inadequate and unconstitutional.

This allowed traders to receive a refund of billions of dollars from the Union. However, the amounts cannot be anchored to companies. In fact, they belong to consumers, as taxes are diluted in the fees that are passed on to users.

Data from the National Electric Energy Agency (Aneel) show that of the R$ 60.3 billion in loans to be paid by the Union to distributors, R$ 47.6 billion is still awaiting transfer to consumers. Initially, the drop could be 5.4% in the account, which guarantees some relief in finances at the end of the month.

Pedro Henrique

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