Housewife: Find out how to apply for retirement

Housewives may receive their long-awaited INSS pension, but to do so they must make contributions to the National Institute of Social Security (INSS). Check out more details in the article, and see the rules and contribution time for housewives.

Housewives' contribution method

It is possible for a housewife to make contributions to the INSS, in the form to which she contributes as an electoral contributor.

By contributing as an optional insured, the housewife can guarantee the services provided by the INSS even without carrying out paid activity for the institute.

If the housewife has already carried out an activity subject to the CLT, she is already registered with the INSS, but if she has not carried out a paid activity, it is necessary to register.

The contribution is made through a social security guide, known as GPS. It can be accessed through the Meu INSS platform, used by purchasing the leaflets at a stationery store or requesting the GPS at a nearby agency.

Contribution time

It is important to emphasize that the sooner a housewife starts contributing to the INSS, the faster she will complete the qualifying period, which is the minimum level of contribution to be entitled to social security benefits. As an example, he cites the case of disability pension, for which the qualifying period is 12 contributions.

Plan types

Normal Plan: In the case of the Normal Plan, it corresponds to that carried out by individual contributors. In other words, if she opts for this option, the housewife will be entitled to all social security benefits.

In this case, the housewife can choose her contribution salary, which varies from the minimum value of R$ 1,212.00 in 2022 up to the INSS ceiling, which this year is R$ 7,088.51 and pays a rate of 20% on the amount you choose.

In this case, the housewife can choose her contribution salary, which varies from the minimum value of R$ 1,212.00 in 2022 up to the INSS ceiling, which this year is R$ 7,088.51 and pays a rate of 20% on the amount you choose.

Therefore, in this case, we can highlight that the value of the contribution depends entirely on the value chosen by the housewife, ranging from R$ 242.40 to 1,417.73.

Simplified plan: If she opts for this plan, the housewife is entitled to a disability pension, old-age pension, sickness benefit and maternity benefit.

Unlike the plan listed above, the normal one, in the case of the simplified plan the rate will be 11% on the value of the current minimum wage, therefore, in 2021 the contribution value will be approximately R$133.32.

Low income plan: It has some requirements for classification, they are:

  • The applicant may have a family income not exceeding two minimum wages
  • It is important not to engage in paid work or have any type of income of your own (such as rent, pension and other social security benefits);
  • It is mandatory to be registered in the Single Registry of Social Programs (CadÚnico) and also to update personal data;
  • Dedicate yourself exclusively to the home within your own residence.

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Pedro Henrique

Website writer, trained in advertising, always bringing the best news, tips, applications and finance to the reader. I believe that education and information move the world.