See: Single Mothers are already receiving assistance.

The proposal aims to provide financial assistance to single mothers, i.e. those who take care of the house alone without the help of a partner or spouse. See this article for the requirements and whether you qualify for this benefit.

The Permanent Aid of R$ 1,200 is a benefit for single mothers in precarious situations, that is, women who take care of the house and children alone. Thus, the subject was discussed in the bill (PL 2.099/20) prepared by former deputy Assis Carvalho (PI). Thus, the amount of R$ 1,200 will be passed on to mothers who are heads of households and experiencing financial difficulties. It is worth noting that people who receive other social security and pension benefits are not eligible for assistance.

Only that people who receive Auxílio Brasil are exempt from the exclusion rule, according to the bill. Because while the permanent aid is being paid, Auxílio Brasil is suspended.

Which women can receive?

It is worth noting that to receive assistance, the woman must meet the requirements listed below, which are:

  • Not having a job with a CLT work card;
  • Not be a beneficiary of any social security or assistance program of the National Institute of Social Security (INSS);
  • Not having received unemployment insurance;
  • Do not participate in any income transfer except Auxílio Brasil;
  • Be 18 years old or over;
  • Not having a partner or spouse;
  • Be registered and updated in the Single Registry (CadÚnico) system;
  • It is important to have a monthly income of up to half the minimum wage for a person or family, a total of three minimum wages, currently at R$ 606;
  • Have at least one child under the age of 18 under your responsibility.

Is there a possibility of the aid being permanent?

The bill is still being processed by the committees of the Chamber of Deputies. Therefore, the answer is still no. Once approved, it must still follow the traditional procedure for a bill sanctioned by the Federal Senate and the Federal Presidency. If the bill is approved, we can say that the bill will receive guidance on registration, amounts, payments, etc.

However, since CadÚnico is used to select beneficiary mothers, many families can now register in the social database of federal government programs. In other words, this allows single women to enjoy other financial benefits without approving the Permanent Subsidy, which is good news.

Furthermore, the proposal, which is still under discussion in the Chamber of Deputies, received a favorable opinion from the Women's Rights Committee in its last motion. In other words, it is awaiting approval from the Social Security and Family, Finance and Taxation, Constitutional and Judicial and Citizenship Committees. Only then will the project go to the Federal Senate.

Pedro Henrique

Website writer, trained in advertising, always bringing the best news, tips, applications and finance to the reader. I believe that education and information move the world.