Pix scam has seen a huge increase in cases, see how to protect yourself.

According to PSafe, Pix fraud attempts increased by 350% between April and May 2022 compared to February and March.

According to PSafe, Pix fraud attempts increased by 350% between April and May 2022 compared to February and March. The company claimed to have blocked more than 424,000 fraudulent threats during that period.

The main approaches include phishing, a modality that directs victims to fake websites that request confidential information in exchange for a false advantage. To help you, below is a list of 5 things you can do to protect yourself from criminals.

1. Check the Pix key holder’s data before making the transfer

In general, many criminals pose as friends or family to ask for money in the event of a possible emergency. And this is how they report a Pix key that is registered in the name of an unknown person.

Therefore, always check the key holder's details before making the transfer. In short, sharing a key registered in someone else's name is a good indication of fraud.

2. Don't make emergency payments without confirming the recipient's identity

There are scams in which scammers hack the profiles of trusted people. Then they start advertising used furniture or electronics cheaper than usual. In these situations, scammers often say that other people are interested in the product and urge the victim to pay as quickly as possible to reserve the item.

Therefore, confirm the identity of the person who asked you for the favor or offered you something before making the transfer through Pix. And if possible, call the person to confirm that they are actually selling the items.

3. Be careful with links shared via WhatsApp and social networks

Links shared via WhatsApp and social networks require special attention. Because phishing attacks are spread via the messaging app, Facebook or Instagram. Criminals promise Pix withdrawals, free benefits and well below average products.

In short, the pages contain forms requesting confidential information, such as bank details, cell phone numbers and document numbers. Additionally, criminals often create websites that mimic the e-commerce layout of well-known retailers.

4 . Adjust your transfer limit

You can change the daily movement limit via Pix in banking applications. Each application has a specific method for personalization. However, in general, just go to the Pix section and look for an option like My Pix Limits. Once you find the feature, follow the on-screen instructions to set a lower daily limit. This way, if a criminal steals your phone, they won't be able to make meaningful transactions.

5. Beware of Fake QRCod Code

Criminals use the QR code pix payment feature to attract victims. In these attacks, criminals redirect the user to a fraudulent website by scanning the QR code. In this case, the tip is to learn to distinguish between fake and legitimate codes.

Remember: when scanning the real QR code through the bank's app, the purchase amount and the recipient's CPF or CNPJ appear on the screen. Additionally, legitimate QR codes do not redirect the user to another website or request to download files.

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Pedro Henrique

Website writer, trained in advertising, always bringing the best news, tips, applications and finance to the reader. I believe that education and information move the world.