PEC 206: Will there be a monthly fee charged at a public university? Look

Currently, a proposal for a Constitutional Amendment (PEC) for the introduction of tuition fees in public universities in Brazil is being processed in the Chamber of Deputies. The PEC was 206, which was presented by federal deputy General Peternelli of the party (União-SP).

From the point of view of some deputies, the PEC is an attempt to privatize higher education in Brazil. Some are in favor, but deputies from PT, PSOL, PCdoB and PSD criticized the proposal.

Tuition fees at public universities?

According to deputy Peternelli, the current public university is aimed at the richest, so the measure would be a way to balance the system and guarantee some type of social justice.

The poor pay most of these taxes. The payment grade. And who pays for the public university? Your public money. This humble person paid to finance the medical course of the man who will study with a Mercedes car, said the deputy in his speech.

Peternelli argues that the reality of public universities shows that the majority of students took expensive preparatory courses and secured places in the most popular institutions. This means a distortion of higher education for the MP.

Given the contrasts, the debate ended with the approval of a public hearing to discuss the PEC before the vote. Despite this decision, there is still no date for this hearing.

Meanwhile, some experts believe that the PEC is failing to reduce inequality and could further affect access to education for the poorest.

According to the text of the PEC, public colleges must charge monthly fees. These resources must be used at your own expense, ensuring free access for those who do not have sufficient resources. This guarantee would be the result of an assessment by the institution itself, as is the case with entrance exams.

This way, the scholarship could reach 100% of the monthly fee for those most in need. Another detail is that, according to the PEC, the monthly fee must be 50% of the average price at private universities.

See too: : Learn how to earn extra income in dollars by answering surveys.

Pedro Henrique

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