Administrative Assistant Vacancy

Our main objective is to unite professionals with hiring companies, so that you can find the vacancy you were looking for, and thus reduce the unemployment rate throughout the country.…

On our website you will find an extensive list of companies from the most varied sectors, so you can find the job of your dreams based on your interests. 

Administrative Assistant Vacancy: Details!

Administrative Assistant Vacancy

Criar requisições de compras no SAP; “Solicitar ao Suprimentos possíveis ajustes de pedidos de compras: Data de remessa, ajuste de IVA, ajuste de código de serviço, etc;” Recepcionar e controlar o recebimento de notas fiscais (mensais, no caso de contrato ou pontuais); Entrar em contato com o fornecedor para solicitar nota fiscal ou divergências do escopo e valor; Criar folha de serviço para notas fiscais de serviço; Criar a MIGO para as notas fiscais de materiais; Realizar o envio de notas fiscais para inbound e acompanhar a incorporação no sistema; Efetivar o lançamento da nota fiscal via cockipt ou encaminhar via e-mail ao Depto Financeiro (exceções); Realizar o acompanhamento dos lançamentos das notas fiscais pelo FC; Solicitar ao Depto Financeiro a previsão de pagamento e o comprovante de pagamento da nota fiscal (se for o caso) e enviar ao fornecedor; Apoio na consolidação dos orçamentos de CAPEX e OPEX de TI; Elaborar as provisões mensais do OPEX ou CAPEX; Consolidar as justificativas do mês do orçamento para o Planejamento Financeiro; Realizar as análises orçamentárias dos departamentos; Elaborar e entregar as notas de débitos das Subsidiárias; Elaborar e entregar as informações mensais para o rateio de TI das subsidiárias; Realizar os reajustes contratuais com base nas informações passadas pelo Departamento; Gestão administrativas e financeiras dos contratos (valores, prazos e reajustes contratuais); Emissão de PTR Pedido de Transferências de Recursos de OPEX e CAPEX; Solicitar o cadastro ou ajuste de informações de fornecedores no SAP; Solicitar o cadastro ou ajuste de materiais; Solicitar e atualizar o NCM da nota fiscal de material DANFE; Realizar a planilha de planejamento de compras e participar das reuniões mensais; Acompanhamento dos processos de contratação de bens e serviços participando de reuniões de follow up; Solicitar ordem de investimento (CAPEX) para emissão da requisição de compras; Mapear as ordens (investimento) em andamento e emitir o RUC (imobilizado) para depreciação do bem.

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It is important to remember that our company does not charge any amount as a fee for using our platform. jobs. Our real objective is to bring candidates closer to companies, and vice versa, non-profits, simply seeking to further promote the Brazilian employment sector.

If, at any time, someone charges you a fee to use it, immediately report it to our Customer Service Center, and avoid paying any fee they charge, no matter how small. Avoid paying fees in exchange for a guaranteed place, this does not exist and we do not condone this type of conduct.

To use our platform in a simple and direct way, simply pay attention to the details of the vacancy, such as specifications, scroll to the bottom of the page, check the employer's communication details and get in touch.

How to send your CV?

To send your curriculum, you must forward it to the email with a subject containing the name of the vacancy of interest and your CV attached to the email [email protected] or through the website HR Brazil, remember to update all your contact details and keep an eye on your email and phone number, good luck.



Again, we ask that you pay attention to the vacancies that are available. Job vacancies are used as a method of fraud, seeking to take money from people who have good intentions, for a long time, decades to be precise.

Fraudulent vacancies have always existed and are based on the premise of charging a guarantee fee for employment or for viewing company details, but soon after paying, the vacancy disappears. So be very careful with this type of fraud.

Furthermore, there are companies that survive by charging fees to candidates and companies, and we emphasize again that we do not condone this type of conduct, as our platform is completely free for both parties involved.

With this in mind, try to take some precautions to avoid falling for fake vacancy scams, such as:

  • Companies that schedule an interview, but the day before the date reschedule and ask for a guarantee amount for you to reserve your interview. This doesn't exist, either there is an interview or there isn't. Never pay a fee to participate in any process;
  • I find it strange that the company pays double the common salary for the working class? Be suspicious! We know that you are looking for a good job opportunity, with good conditions, with high salaries. But, as the saying goes, “when the alms are too much, the saint is suspicious”. Again, these are false vacancies, in which some amount may be charged before, during or after the interview, in exchange for a guaranteed place;
  • Finally, reject any and all types of advertisements that ask for photos of personal documents, payment slips or any other similar situations. Report this type of action immediately to the competent authorities.