How to Email a Job Vacancy

The job search can be a challenging journey, and every detail counts

One of the crucial steps is email communication, especially when it comes to scheduling interviews.

E-mail for Job Vacancy - Open Scenario
Email for Job Vacancy – Open Scenario

This article will provide an in-depth look at how to structure a “job email,” helping you make a positive first impression.

Email formats for job openings


The greeting is the first contact in your email. See some examples:

  • “Dear [Recruiter’s Name], I hope you are well.”
  • “Hello [Team Name], I wish you a great day.”
  • “Dear [Company Name], I am excited about the opportunity.”

Main content

In this section, stay focused and clear. Here are some examples that might inspire you:

  • “My name is [Your Name], and I am writing to apply for the position of [Position]. My experience in [Relevant Area] makes me an ideal candidate.”
  • “I am [Your Name], and my passion for [Field of Interest] led me to seek the [Position] position at your company.”
  • “I am reaching out to express my interest in the [Position] position. With over [Number] years of experience in [Field], I believe I can contribute significantly to your team.”


End your email on a positive and professional tone. Here are some examples:

The Importance of the First Impression in a Job Vacancy Email

The first impression a candidate makes on the recruiter is often a decisive factor in the selection process. In a competitive job market, every contact counts, and the way you present yourself in a job vacancy email can be a significant differentiator.


The initial email is not just a formality; It's an opportunity to showcase your personality, your skills and your professional ethics. Through a well-chosen greeting, articulate content and a cordial closing, you can convey confidence, professionalism and suitability for the role.

For example, an email that begins with a respectful greeting and includes a clear, concise introduction of your experience and motivation can immediately put you ahead of other candidates. It can show that you not only understand the company's position and culture, but also that you care about making the extra effort to communicate effectively.

Likewise, a well-written closing that thanks the recruiter for their time and expresses enthusiasm for the opportunity can reinforce your image as courteous and thoughtful.

In short, the first impression you make with your email can open doors to new opportunities. It can lead to an interview, a second contact, and eventually, the desired position. In a world where small details make a difference, a well-crafted email is more than just correspondence – it's a reflection of your professional and personal approach.

Companies that accept job application emails

  1. Coke – Coca-Cola is known globally and frequently accepts applications via email for various positions in Brazil. Check out some of these “Shipping Assistant Jobs at Coca-Cola“.
  2. OK – Vale is one of the largest mining companies in the world and allows candidates to send personalized emails to their recruiters in the country. A "Job vacancy at Vale” guarantees professional well-being and constant evolution.
  3. Pepsi – Pepsi offers several opportunities in Brazil and accepts emails from candidates looking to stand out. Search “Jobs at Pepsi” and find the best opportunities.
  4. Mail – Correios values direct communication and encourages candidates to send their CVs via email.
  5. carrefour – Carrefour, one of the largest supermarket chains in Brazil, appreciates the initiative of candidates who get in touch by email. Check out the stock replenisher vacancies at Carrefour.


Communicating effectively via email is an essential job search skill. By following these guidelines, you will be well prepared to write an impactful and professional job email.


What is the most appropriate greeting for a job vacancy email?

A professional and friendly greeting is always best received.

How to end the email appropriately?

With thanks and a positive tone.

Is it appropriate to send direct emails to companies?

Yes, especially if they encourage this approach.

How do I keep my email concise and attractive?

Focus on your relevant skills and desired position.

How do I know if the company accepts application emails?

Search the company website or relevant careers pages.

Keep an eye on our website. Here, you can find wonderful tips that will help you professionally and personally. You will also find several job options near you, in your region, or country. Don't miss the opportunities that our website has to offer. To the next!

Arthur Mioni

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