Gasoline prices have already started to decrease in Brazil

The ICMS restriction on fuels, mainly gasoline, already leads to a slight reduction in prices in a large part of the country. See the numbers.

After months of unbridled increases, gas prices have fallen across much of the country. The main driver of the change is Complementary Bill No. 18/22, which limits the ICMS charge to fuels.

In force since last Friday, the 24th. The text also refers to the price reduction of other items considered essential, such as electricity and cooking gas. For gasoline, the expectation of an immediate drop is R$ 0.68 per liter and for ethanol R$ 0.24 per liter.

The measure also affects diesel, the main fuel used by truck drivers in the country. According to Sindicobustíveis-DF, the reduction can be observed at the pumps from today, July 1st.

In the specific case of diesel, the project specifies that the ICMS is calculated for 60 months until December with the average PMPF 31st, 2022.

Between June 24 and 28, gasoline prices fell in 24 states and the Federal District. There was an increase only in Maranhão (1.54%), while in Paraíba the values remained stable. The data is from a ValeCard survey.

The average reduction was 1.6% or R$0.12 per liter of fuel. The biggest drops were in Amapá (-7.1%), Paraná (-6.5%) and Santa Catarina (-6.5%). The smallest, around 1%, were registered in Bahia, Espírito Santo, Mato Grosso, Piauí and Tocantins.

To date, only São Paulo and Goiás have adjusted the ICMS rate on gasoline to the limit imposed by the project.

Pedro Henrique

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